Questions tagged [foursquare]

Location based social networking website. Users with GPS mobile devices can check-in at venues and award badges.

Foursquare is a location based social networking website. Users with GPS-enabled mobile devices can run the Foursquare app (available for a variety of devices such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc) to "check-in" at venues to award points and badges.

The Foursquare API gives developers access to all of the data used by the Foursquare mobile applications, and, in some cases, even more. Over 30 million people worldwide use Foursquare, accounting for more than 3 billion check-ins, with millions more each day. And more than a million businesses use the Merchant Platform.


API Documentation:

1554 questions
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How does foursquare return venues during search

I wrote a simple function that loops through the returned JSON after performing a basic lat/long venue search in foursquare, printing out the names of the venues in the order they are received. When I refresh the page (in essence, refreshing the…
1 answer

Passing Foursquare token in HTTP Authentication header. Is it possible?

I'm constructing an application with 2 sides: client (iPhone) and Server (PHP). Communication using https. The mobile phone gets a 4SQ access token. Then, it sends that token to the server, and the server will make 4SQ API calls using it. My…
Jorge Arévalo
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foursquare and share checkin?

Is it possible to create a checkin by allowing a user to click on button in a html page that takes them to a share location (checkin page)? I am thinking- something like the twitter share url? for example-…
Chris Mccabe
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2 answers

Foursquare Save Button not reading venue data

I tried, several times, to create a "save to foursquare button", but, maybe, there´s a problem with the script. I tried this code, that works, from a website for the site venue:
1 answer

Get user checkins from specific categories

How can I get with foursquare API only user checkins from specific categories: I only want users checkins on the beaches. thx
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Everyauth - connect with Foursquare

I'm trying to build a Foursquare app and I've selected the Everyauth module to implement the authentication (Connect with Foursquare). I'm getting the error Error: Step getAccessToken of `foursquare` module timed out. after the user allows the app.…
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Create foursquare venue for real-time api

I've created a consumer and managed to get a test running of the real-time api (user push). How do I create and tie a venue to my consumer, so when users checkin at my venue, it will push to my application?
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Foursquare trending api with category filter

I'm using the foursquare api ( but I want to get it filtered by category. I tryed to use as the search api (parameter categoryId) and it didn't work. can anyone help me? thanks
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1 answer

Open Graph Metadata for Foursquare

Is it possible when integrating with the save to foursquare api to use only Open Graph Data? The foursquare API states: In order for the Save to foursquare button to work on your site, your site should include hCard or OpenGraph location metadata…
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Android 4 ICS and Foursquare API

Foursquare API for Android (Java) is not working properly on Ice Cream Sandwich, since HttpURLConnection class has been changed. The solution is to remove setDoOutput calls from the DefaultIOHandler class, which I did, but I have another problem…
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3 answers

How do I verify the validity of a Foursquare Checkin?

Using the Foursquare API, is there any way to determine how distant a user was from the venue he checked in at? The checkin object returned doesn't have any indication what the user GPS coordinates were.
Marcelo Calbucci
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1 answer

Accessing "What are you up to"-comments on foursquare

I am working on a foursquare application where I am depending on user-generated data. Say for instance that I want to categorize places with rare tap beers on the menu, then I would like users to write in their "What are you up to"-comment…
2 answers

Facebook iPhone SDK Checkin To Foursquare Place

Admittedly I've not done a lot of experimenting but I thought someone might be able to give me a quick answer and save all that experimenting. I have an app which uses Foursquare's API to find locations for the user. I want the person to be able to…
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Issues Claiming A Business On Foursquare

I am trying to claim my business on Foursquare, but when I try to do it by phone both my main local number and main 800# are not working... It's telling me it is unable to verify that phone number?? These are the MAIN phone numbers?? If I try to…
1 answer

How does foursquare's nearby friends functionality work?

I'm working on a location rating functionality that uses the foursquare API, and would like my result to be based on the user's current region. The same way Foursquare divides users in the nearby friends. Does Foursquare use a certain radius based…
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