Questions tagged [firemonkey-fm3]

FireMonkey FM3 is a platform for building multi-device, true native apps for iOS, Windows and Mac, using a single codebase. The following development tools from Embarcadero can all be used to develop such apps: RAD Studio XE4 / Delphi XE4 / C++ Builder XE4.

71 questions
1 answer

No 'teamID' specified and no team ID found in the archive

I'm getting following errors while trying to build a distribution version of my firemonkey app. [PAClient Error] Error: E0776 2020-07-21 16:50:36.073 xcodebuild[2035:200954] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging…
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Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Android onActivityResult Sunmi Code Scanning

I need to integrate Code Scanning into the application ( The application was made in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo When I press the button, I use this code and the scaner opens and reads the code procedure…
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Changing FMX multi-platform style property at runtime

In my app I have a design time registered TStyleBook mostly with custom styles for panels (different colors). In this TStyleBook, at design time, I've added an item, assigning the fill color, for several platforms, naming it…
Miguel E
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How to store blob to database thru Datasnap REST server?

Preample: We use a Firemonkey application then interact with a DataSnap REST Server. This server use a SQLite database. On the client side, we use FireDac Memtable to manage data. Usually for updating data, we edit the FDMemTable, then we use a…
Alain V
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1 answer

How to show a secondary form on taskbar using FMX C++?

I'm with a little problem when trying to show more than one form on taskbar on the same time. I found I need to use the following: WS_EX_APPWINDOW So I search a little bit more about and then found it: class TForm2 : public TForm { __published: …
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How to enter memo strings between two lines without delete the content of the next line?

I just would like some help when adding contents between two lines... If I have this on Memo: //-------------------------------------------------- //---------- Mauro Mascarenhas de Araújo…
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How to get the screen size with C++ builder (Firemonkey)

I know it is a stupid question, but when changing visual libraries I found a "throuble" with FMX... My problem is: I need to do my own border, so I set the propriety to Border Style:"None", but the application runs in full screen, also covering the…
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scrolling vs selecting delphi XE6

I have a gridpanellayout that has about 16 rows and 5 columns. Each field has, for example a TRectangle set to TalignLayout.Client.. Each rectangle has an onclick event that performs an action ( e.g., highlighting the clicked rectangle by changing…
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Center a Model3D on ViewPort3D

There seems to be a problem with Model3D dimentions ... you can set components width and height to 1 and real model stays out of bounds, but still there, with same original size (defined by scale). How can you center a model on ViewPort then?
Flash Thunder
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How to make my own dialog component from Firemonkey TPopUp?

[Delphi XE5 Up2] I am trying to use TPopUp to inherit and create a component, following the same idea as exposed on the Flyouts demo for the CalendarFlyout. I will be not using the Calendar, but I want that space free so that I can place any other…
Eduardo Elias
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How to add new Bitmap format to TBitmapCodecManager

I have written a class for reading and writing PPM files (don't ask, I didn't chose this format). I would like it to be a part of the TBitmap loading/saving system. Does any one know how I can add this support? Do I really have to write/install a…
Max Kielland
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1 answer

How to terminate (kill) another application in a FireMonkey application?

Does someone know a solution to kill another application in FMX ? Having the name of the application to terminate, I want to be able to kill a Windows or MAC OSX application.
Alain V
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1 answer

How to simulate touch with left mousebutton

I'm developing a Firemonkey Application wich should run on Windows with touchscreen. Because I have no touchscreen for my development system, I can't test the behavior of some controls. For example the panning in a TListbox doesn't work with the…
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Maximizing fast report at run time in firemonkey application

How to maximize the fast report at run time in firemonkey application?
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How to set XML parser's Decimal point character?

I'm reading attribute fields in an XML document where the decimal point always is '.' and the computer local may differ from this (in my own case it is ','). I tried to set the global FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator to '.' but it has no effect on…
Max Kielland
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