Questions tagged [firemonkey-fm3]

FireMonkey FM3 is a platform for building multi-device, true native apps for iOS, Windows and Mac, using a single codebase. The following development tools from Embarcadero can all be used to develop such apps: RAD Studio XE4 / Delphi XE4 / C++ Builder XE4.

71 questions
1 answer

How to convert strings to array of byte and back

4I must write strings to a binary MIDI file. The standard requires one to know the length of the string in bytes. As I want to write for mobile as well I cannot use AnsiString, which was a good way to ensure that the string was a one-byte string.…
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2 answers

Change the font and background colours of a TMemo in FireMonkey

I am writing a memo component that needs to look like an old fashioned terminal session. This should be really simple, but the way FireMonkey styles work seem to make it unbelievably complex. In a non mobile FireMonkey app I can right click a…
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How to display smooth video in FireMonkey (FMX, FM3)?

Has anyone figured out how to display smooth video (i.e. a series of bitmaps) in a FireMonkey application, HD or 3D? In VCL you could write to a canvas from a thread and this would work perfectly, but this does not work in FMX. To make things worse,…
Mike Versteeg
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4 answers

How to programmatically change the FontColor of a Tlabel

When I put a TLabel on a form, I can change the color of its text by changing the FontColor property. However, when I do this in my program by Label1.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Aquamarine; this doesn't work. Any idea what's wrong?
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4 answers

How to get screen size in Firemonkey FM3?

How to get screen dimensions with Firemonkey FM³ ? The following code: var Size: TPointF; begin Size := FMX.Platform.IFMXScreenService.GetScreenSize; ... end; Results in this compiler error: [dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas(46): E2018 Record, object…
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3 answers

Delphi and iOS File size

I created a small application in Delphi XE4 for iOS. I have 7 forms on it. And everything is good. But I am a little bit shocked with file size! Its 44MB on Simulator. The same application I made for android was almost 2MB. It has a background image…
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Is there a way to set the Keyboard Type when entering a value in a StringGrid?

I would like to create an iOS App, with a fixed StringGrid. Every cell of this thing should only accept numeric values. For this I want to set the KeyboardType to vktNumberPad...but so far have not found a point of entry for this. Does anyone here…
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0 answers

MultiResolution in Firemonkey Mobile Application

Is there any demo available that shows how multi-resolution images should be handled in a mobile application with button images, splash screen and a background for example? I'm trying to make an application that looks nice on many resolution but i…
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3 answers

FireMonkey TControl.MakeScreenshot generates an undersized bitmap on Mobile platforms

I am trying to generate a bitmap from a TLayout control. To do this I'm using the TControl.Makescreenshot function. When testing the application on Windows, everything works as expected: However, when running the application on iOS, Android (both…
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1 answer

Where do I set the application "Title" property in a FireMonkey mobile application?

Currently, the project name is used as the caption (title) under the icon on the device's home screen. Unfortunately, this doesn't allow me to use white spaces. A VCL application has an application "Title" property. You access it from the options…
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How to paint on the canvas of a Trectangle

I need a clickable control that I can tailor to my needs. From the Delphi docs I gathered that a TRectangle would do. I need to create my TRectangles programmatically, so I created a Form, a Panel and a Button (see code below). As TRectangle is…
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3 answers

How do I detect / handle a screen rotate using FireMonkey for Delphi XE5

First of all - I am a beginner when it comes to Android and FireMonkey programming, so please bear this in mind :-). I have made a FireMonkey/Android application that can resize/reflow its controls according to the screen size and orientation, but I…
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1 answer

How detects parent form for Control?

Need to detect the Parent Form in Delphi (FireMonkey 3) for any Control on this form. What is the easiest way for it?
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FireMonkey controls based on iOS controls do not behave correctly

We are starting to port one of our existing iOS (XCode) apps to Delphi FireMonkey (XE4). So far it has been a surprisingly smooth process. However, we have hit a dead end that we have no idea how to solve. Our existing app is similar to the new…
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3 answers

What is the best way to handle OnResize in FMX?

When a window is resized I want to handle the OnResize event when resizing is finished as updating the graphic takes seconds. That is tricky because resizing a window generates lots of resize events. As updating the window takes a while I don't want…
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