Questions tagged [firebird2.1]

For questions specific to Firebird 2.1. It is advisable to also tag with firebird.

Firebird 2.1 is a - now discontinued - version of the Firebird database server.


See also

113 questions
6 answers

Firebird connection with java

I have installed Firebird 2.1 on windows Xp and using firebirdsql.jdbc-2.1.6 driver to connect with java. Code: Class.forName("org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver"); connection = DriverManager.getConnection( …
Rakesh Goyal
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1 answer

FBRemoteEvent crashes app

I am having fb remote event with which I listen to database and I start it with my app load inside thread. When I run it on my Windows 10 (local pc) it works normally and perfect BUT when I run it on Windows Server 2003 it start filling RAM Memory a…
Aleksa Ristic
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2 answers

In FirebirdSql, how to return exception message from procedure

I want to return the error message from a procedure when an exception happens. In SQL Server you would select the Error_Number() and Error_Message(). How would I do it in FirebirdSql SET TERM ^ ; CREATE PROCEDURE sprocname ( id int ) RETURNS …
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1 answer

Bitwise operator in firebird

Can we do bitwise and in a firebird procedure without using a UDF? is there one of the built in function or is there a way to get the same results with standard built in commands? I tried…
Rohit Vats
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1 answer

How can you detect a parent with a nested relationship in a database using SQL?

I'm using Firebird 2.1. There is a table name Folders, with the fields: FolderID ParentFolderID FolderName ParentFolderID is -1 if it's the root folder -- otherwise it contains the parent folder's ID. How can I find all parents (up to the root…
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2 answers

How can I measure the amount of space taken by blobs on a Firebird 2.1 database?

I have a production database, using Firebird 2.1, where I need to find out how much space is used by each table, including the blobs. The blob-part is the tricky one, because it is not covered using the standard statistical report. I do not have…
Lars D
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2 answers

SQL query joining tables from different fdb databases

I have 2 fdb databases company.fdb and timeAtt.fdb company.fdb contains staffDetail table staffId - 001 staffName - Andy staffStatus - Active timeAtt.fdbcontains staffAtt table staffId - 001 staffName - Andy timeIn …
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3 answers

How to get all the fields of a row using the SQL MAX function?

Consider this table (from Id name type price 123451 Park's Great Hits Music 19.99 123452 Silly Puddy Toy 3.99 123453 Playstation Toy 89.95 123454…
Yiannis Mpourkelis
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3 answers

Firebird how to select ids that match all items in a set

I'm using Firebird 2.1. There is a table: IDs, Labels There can be multiple labels for the same ID: 10 Peach 10 Pear 10 Apple 11 Apple 12 Pear 13 Peach 13 Apple Let's say I have a set of labels, ie.: (Apple, Pear, Peach). How can I write a single…
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2 answers

How can I temporarily disable all constraints in a Table in Firebird 2.1?

I want to disable all Foreign key constraints and re-enable them after, is there some way to do that? I know that SQLServer allows that, but what about Firebird?
Fabio Gomes
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1 answer

Error converting variant into double [ Delphi XE + IBObjects 4.9.12 ]

My configuration: Delphi XE Firebird 2.1 IBObjects 4.9.12 Windows 7 64bits I get an exception when I try to set a value to a IBOQuery parameter ("Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Double)"). The exception is raised…
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1 answer

Creating table in Firebird script causes "unsuccessful metadata update" with deadlock

I have the following script that I run using "isql -i scriptfile.sql": CONNECT C:\Databasefile.fdb USER user PASSWORD password; SET TERM !! ; EXECUTE BLOCK AS BEGIN IF (EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM rdb$relations WHERE rdb$relation_name = 'MYTABLE'))…
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1 answer

Entity Framework puts all fields in primary key for Firebird tables

I am using a Firebird 2.1 database together with VS2010 (.NET 4.0) and am trying to get it to work properly with the entity framework. The problem is, that when I generate an entity from a database table, the framework detects all columns to be part…
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4 answers

How can I optimize this query in Firebird 2.1?

I'm using Firebird 2.1 and I'd need some help optimizing this query: (maybe by replacing IN-s with JOINS or something to speed it up, as it is very slow) SELECT ClientID, ClientType, ClientName FROM Clients WHERE ( AccessRights = 0 OR…
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3 answers

Is it possible to use Firebird Embedded for small number of users

I am using Firebird on Windows (Delphi 2010 developed Application). Is it possible to use Firebird Embedded for small number of users? If we have our application with embedded firebird on a…
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