Questions tagged [firebase-mlkit]

[DEPRECATED, use `firebase-machine-learning` or `google-mlkit` instead] ML Kit for Firebase is Google's machine learning toolkit for Android and iOS that provides on-device, cloud, and custom model serving capabilities using TensorFlow Lite.

UPDATE: Since June, 2020, Google offers ML Kit's on-device APIs through a new standalone SDK. Cloud APIs, AutoML Vision Edge, and custom model deployment will continue to be available via Firebase Machine Learning. Learn more


600 questions
1 answer

how to use augmented reality to change the color of a qr code once it is detected using with arcore and ml kit firebase

I need to develop an android application that allows me to scan a barcode and if that barcode is saved in a predefined list change the color of the barcode to green and if not to red using arcore and ml kit
1 answer

The QR scanner app is having some weird problem,

using MLKIT I tried to make a scanner app but it crashes for some reason, I don't understand the log plz help!! I am linking the main activity and error log. The app is not even starting, I think something is wrong with the layout . will link…
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Messages printed in Log-cat while using Smart Reply

In the Fire base ML Kit, the message list given for suggesting reply is being printed in the logcat Just call FirebaseNaturalLanguage.getInstance().getSmartReply().suggestReplies(List samplelist) , the messages sent in the samplelist being printed…
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Get exist words from text with regex

I am using firebase ml kit for words recognition in images. Actually it works pretty good. But sometimes it`s returns some kind of gibrish. So my question is any library exist for recognition exist words from text? (String) Or maybe I can use some…
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Best way to wait for two async firebase ml vision method results to use them in a third method

When using firebase ml vision to recognize qr codes and/or text from an image. What is the best way to wait for the async text and barcode detector methods to resolve so I can utilize their results in a third method. I am aware than I can call an…
2 answers

How to fix 'FATAL EXCEPTION' when passing byte array between Activities using Intent?

I am getting the following error when passing a byte array from one activity to another through an intent. I'm not sure whether its because the array is too large, or if its something else. Here is the error: E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION:…
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Nativescript core OCR plugin

I'm trying to develop an ocr app with the Nativescript plugin: and it seems that the example doesn't works or I'm doing something wrong. I…
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android app crashes when adding firebase ML vision dependencies with firebase database dependencies

I have a project which uses firebase database,auth and other dependencies but whenever i try to add firebase ml vision or google play service vision dependencie the app crashes although gradle build was successful. edit : thats what logcat look…
1 answer

Getting this error " Internal error has occurred when executing Firebase ML tasks"

Getting FirebaseMLException in onFailure: Internal error has occurred when executing Firebase ML tasks. FirebaseVisionBarcodeDetectorOptions options = new FirebaseVisionBarcodeDetectorOptions.Builder() …
harsh bangari
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Can we store google MLKit translation model in Bundle?

How I can store google MLKit translation model in a NSBundle.
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How do I add QR code scanning capability through firebase?

I'm trying to add QR code scanning capabilities to an app I have and so far I've found that the best way to do it is with firebase. I unfortunately can't find any tutorials that are up to date on how to do it with firebase. Can someone help me out…
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How to combine all Firebase ML kit APIs in one app?

I want that if one image is selected it detects Label, text and faces in single image at one time only.
Kanishq Gupta
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4 answers

How to pass array or arraylist by intent which has unserializable data?

What I want to do is passing DataModel array between Activity by Intent. DataModel class has Bitmap object and FirebaseVisionLabel object. I found many sites to implement this. Many people said that DataModel class should implements Serializable or…
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Eye Blink Detection in flutter with firebase ml vision?

Can't find any implementation/package anything related blink detection in flutter, if anyone implemented please share. Eye blink detection in flutter any package idea? any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks I want like this gif
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Use ML kit to scan pictures

Can I use Firebase ML Kit (Face Recognition) to scan pictures for faces and determine if faces are found, log a user into an account? What I mean is verify that a face is found on the picture and sign a user up. Anyone?
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