Questions tagged [firebase-mlkit]

[DEPRECATED, use `firebase-machine-learning` or `google-mlkit` instead] ML Kit for Firebase is Google's machine learning toolkit for Android and iOS that provides on-device, cloud, and custom model serving capabilities using TensorFlow Lite.

UPDATE: Since June, 2020, Google offers ML Kit's on-device APIs through a new standalone SDK. Cloud APIs, AutoML Vision Edge, and custom model deployment will continue to be available via Firebase Machine Learning. Learn more


600 questions
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ML Kit Barcode Detector not recognizing ITF barcodes with 4 or less digits?

We are using the ML Kit Barcode Detector successfully in Android for a while now but noticed that the FirebaseVisionBarcodeDetector doesn't seem to recognize ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5) barcodes with 2 or 4 digits (it works with 6 or more symbols). As…
1 answer

Passing image information from Unity to Android to use MLKit

I'm having trouble using MLKit with Unity. What I'm trying to do is get image information from webcamtexture, pass the pointer to a Texture2D, then get raw bytes from it and pass them to a plugin where face recognition classes are. But no faces are …
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MLKit Face Tracking cannot find faces in video stream when AVCaptureConnection videoOrientation is set to portrait

I'm trying to do some front camera face tracking with Metal / Scenekit as the renderer (yes, reinventing snapchat) I'm using Firebase for the face tracking I have an issue whereby setting the AVCaptureConnection videoOrientation causes there to be…
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Is it possible to set font style of the text which is going to be recognized?

Is it possible to set font style of the text which is going to be recognized? I am implementing an Android application to scan documents with the fixed font. The problem I am experiencing is the incorrect detection 0-digit (the font uses…
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gradle build failed while adding firebase ML

My project dependencies are as below: dependencies { classpath '' classpath '' // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong // in the…
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FirebaseMLException on recognize Text in Image with ML Kit on Android

I am using Google MLKit to recognize text from image. Unable to detect the text and falling in onFailure callback with exception as following batchAnnotateImages call failure I am using cloud…
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Where is the full list of classes ML Kit Support?

I am trying to implement ML Kit to my project. But i cannot find out the full list of detectable objects in Image labeling library. Does anyone have the link of it?
Danh Nguyen
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Firebase ML Kit: Check failed: 'out_pix' Must be non NULL

I am using Firebase ML Kit Text Recognition API and getting the error which is added below during text recognition: A/native: Check failed: 'out_pix' Must be non NULL terminating. A/native:…
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Read the text in an image in android without using third party service

hello i am developing an mobile application (android) to share medical reports. One part of the application is read the text in those reports (reports are in JPEG / image format). Since medical reports contain sensitive data i can't use a third…
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try Makeup using MLKit ios swift

Any idea, how can put lipstick on lips in face detection. i have done put color but i want to show Glossy and Shiny. Any Idea about How can use texture and shades in MLKit ios app Simply I find Lips points and create CAShapelayer layer and after…
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How to extract text form a specific block of the image? [ML-Kit]

I m desperated. I have 16 TextViews. The goal is to take a picture of a prescription. What I want is to extract the right text for every Textview I have. This is my last problem. Here is the code of taking a photo, create a file, recognize the text…
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How to use Front Camera for Barcode Scanning in Firebase ML KIT

I have a case where i need to use ML Kit from firebase for barcode scanning. By default it is using back camera. How can i change it to front facing camera ? I have searched in google firebase ML KIT documentation and couldn't find any answer.
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MLKit bad recognition

Hi I trained the model through Firebase MLKit. I have selected the option to train him for 13 hours. And despite this, when I get into the details, Firebase only shows me 1 hour during training hours. And after uploading to Android device, CameraX…
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Facebase MLKit face detection failed with front camera when using CameraX

I am trying to implement face detection using Firebase MLKit and CameraX ImageAnalysis. It works fine when using back camera, but when i tried with front camera, it detected nothing: val config = PreviewConfig.Builder() …
1 answer

Best way to develop a barcode scanning app on android that runs until Android 4.1 (API 16) devices

I'm thinking of using the Barcode Scanning API from Firebase ML Kit, then utilizing SQlite to store some information coming from my app. Is this possible and will run until Android 4.1 devices?
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