Questions tagged [findinfiles]

36 questions
5 answers

Vim: Ignore Special Path in Search

In my .vimrc file, I have two very useful lines: set path=~/nbapp/** set backupdir=~/nbapp/temp The first line allows me to search in my project directory and subdirectories. The second line makes vim create backup files in a special temporary…
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4 answers

Is there something like a "CSS selector" or XPath grep?

I need to find all places in a bunch of HTML files, that lie in following structure (CSS): div.a ul.b or XPath: //div[@class="a"]//div[@class="b"] grep doesn't help me here. Is there a command-line tool that returns all files (and optionally all…
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Specify Multiple Directories in Notepad++ Find in Files

Notepad++'s "Find in Files" is amazingly helpful. But I want to specify a bunch of directories in which the search should take place. Above you see me add the wildcards to the "Directory" field: C:\*\vc90\* However my version of Notepad++ doesn't…
Jonathan Mee
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Visual Studio - Find in files > not any node_modules folders

So in Visual Studios you can "Find in files" a string - I find this very useful to locate a file in which some markup or JS may be found, I use VS for my main code editor for Web development. The problem is, most of my projects use node.js and node…
2 answers

Vim: Search in Open Buffers

One features I like with Visual Studio is the ability to search in open files only. For example, if I recently did changes to some files and I would like to trace those changes, I might search for a certain word, but only in those files to avoid…
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1 answer

What happened to the Visual Studio extension for "Ultra Find"?

What happened to the Visual Studio extension for "Ultra Find"? I've seen references all over this site and the Internet for this allegedly awesome extension. Here are a couple of…
Armchair Bronco
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Vim: Search in Files Short-cut Key

I use vimgrep (or grep) to search in files inside vim, but I see it's quite inconvenient to have to write that every time I want to make search in vim. Any idea on how to make a suitable short-cut key to search in files? Regards, Rafid
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3 answers

Can I search for multiple strings in one "find" command in batch script?

I have a windows batch script that will look for a string within a file find /i "WD6" %Inputpath%file.txt if %errorlevel% == 0 GOTO somestuff Currently this is what my code looks like. I've come across a new string I want to search for in the same…
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1 answer

How can I exclude these folders and files when searching a very large Visual Studio project?

I am trying to search a very large application with hundreds of folders and thousands of files using the Visual Studio "Find in files" feature. I want to search all C# files (*.cs) excluding: View*.cs *\UnitTests\*.cs *\Archive\*.cs I found How…
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Visual Studio 2017 "Find In Files" - Window does not display

The "Find In Files" window appears not to display at all. I have opened my Solution and tried selecting "Find In Files" from the Edit menu, and also using the Ctrl-Shift-F shortcut. Nothing happens.
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3 answers

Visual Studio 2008 Find in Files not working

I am having a really bizarre problem. Find in Files feature in VS2008 always finds zero matches when looking in the Entire Solution and gives the error 'No files were found to look in' when looking in Current Project. Looking in Current Document…
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"Find in files" in Visual Studio 2017 does not work

When I use the "find in files" Window in Visual Studio 2017 and select "entire solution" to search in, the search does not work: the result window opens and the options for the search are listed, but nothing else happens or is listed in the result…
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Search in All Open Documents includes other files at times

I wonder if others have experienced this and what they have done to fix it. My project is in VS 2017. Sometimes, after working for a while (searching for some code; change some code; repeat;) when I do a Find in Files for just the open documents,…
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1 answer

Visual Studio Code find selected text in files

In Visual Studio Code: I would like to: select text in editor, press hotkey "for find in files", press return: result: find all instances of selected text in files (So I would need the currently selected text copy pasted into the search input…
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0 answers

Display Visual Studio Find In Files results in alphabetical order

In Visual Studio 2015, I did a Find in Files search over a solution and noticed that the order of the results was not as I expected. E:\Source Code\Manager\Manager.BusinessLogic\Permission\AppModuleManager.cs(158): …
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