Questions tagged [factual]

Factual, launched in October 2009, is an open data platform developed to maximize data accuracy, transparency, and accessibility. It provides access through web service APIs and reusable, customisable web applications.

20 questions
1 answer

Unable to access JSON response from AJAX API call

I am unable to access and append the response from a AJAX call to the factual API. I am receiving undefined errors however I try and structure the code accessing and iterating over the response. I have managed to successfully log the data to…
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Factual crosswalk api, can I get a place's foursquare venue id with its corresponding facebook page id in 1 request?

I have a database full of places with the facebook page id's. I'd like to map them to the corresponding foursquare venue id with the factual api. The problem is when I try to issue a request and set the namespace id to the facebook id all I get back…
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3 answers

A PHP Error using Factual

I am using Codeigniter as my PHP framework. When I run the factual API I get results but there are PHP warnings. Severity: Warning Message: include(/home/bwilson/public_html/factual/CI_DB.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory…
Brandon Wilson
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1 answer

Get Instagram profile page from an id

I have been using Factual Places & Crosswalk API to get Social Media links on some specific places on my iOS app. The API returns proper links for Facebook & Twitter. But for Instagram it just return an id, something like this 79471948. I was…
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1 answer

Get places photos from Factual API

I am using Factual API to list places and restaurants from its restaurants-us schema. I can retrieve all the required fields of information except the images of the places. Is there any way to get the images from Factual API? Or any other way to…
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2 answers

PHP error when trying to access Factual API

I am using WAMP for my PHP framework. I am trying to test this code limit(3); $res=…
1 answer

Factual API and coldfusion

I took the java implementation of the Factual API (reference and made a JAR file for factual. I did this by opening a new project in eclipse with the factual java files and then exporting to a new jar file. I put…
0 answers

In Factual how to get results with unique field values (similar to GROUP BY in SQL)?

I've just set out on the path to discovery of Factual API and I cannot see how to achieve a retrieval of a selection of entries each with a unique value in the specified field. For example, give me 10 results from various…
Johnny Baloney
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ios 8.1 - UITableView Freezing from Asynchronous Reload

Bear with the noob... There are several similar questions on this issue, mainly dealing with pulling asynchronous data from a given source and populating a UITableView. In reviewing these and trying several listed solutions, I'm still showing the…
Michael James
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1 answer

how to search an obj for a variable, given variable name as string

I have a large list of objects, the object contains things like string name, string address, string city. I want to create a findEqualsMatch method like this.. where it takes in a string called varName, and then searches the variable of the object…
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1 answer

How do i implement factual in Ruby?

I chose "factual-api" gem after looking at the factual website. May I know how do I set it up and use the function to get the locations of those areas? Can I write it in the controller/model? After trying to install the gem, I get this when I look…
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3 answers

Factual API vs Google Places API in terms of Distance Matrix (distance and time)

I need enough accuracy in my app but Google Places seems to be poorly accurate filtering by category. So I'm considering migrating to Factual API. Do you guys have used it? What do you think about its accuracy? In the other hand, I NEED to know the…
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2 answers

Combining Google and Factual APIs?

I am using the Factual API along with the Google Maps API to get data for Restaurants in a certain city. As the name suggests, Factual deals with Factual data and does not include Restaurant images as apart of their API. Does anybody know if it is…
Trenton Tyler
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1 answer

Factual API restaurant images

Is it possible to get pictures of the restaurant from the Factual API? I have not been able to find anything about it in the documentation.
0 answers

Verify error my android app using factual

Hello i am develop one app in android studio using factual api to find restaurants. The code of the Main Activity is this(i have the keys, i just replace now with xxx) public class MainActivity extends Activity { protected Factual factual = new…