Questions tagged [factual]

Factual, launched in October 2009, is an open data platform developed to maximize data accuracy, transparency, and accessibility. It provides access through web service APIs and reusable, customisable web applications.

20 questions
0 answers

Ingredients from Factual API

currenlty I am workign on an Android Project working in Android Studio. I have implemented a UPC capturing tool, but I will need to pass the UPC into Factual API for actual details of UPC. I tried implementing it with the Java code, but it was too…
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1 answer

Convert code from Objective C to Swift for FactualSDK

This is my first question on Stack Overflow, I was integrating the Factual SDK in my app using swift. I successfully created a bridgeheader for the framework but could not figure out how to convert this line of code in order to set the authKey and…
1 answer

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.factual.driver.Factual

I have encountered a problem when using Factual API in my Android app. I think I've added all the correct jar files. Take a look here: Here is my logcat: 11-30 19:27:03.033: E/AndroidRuntime(4538): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 11-30 19:27:03.033:…
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2 answers

How to get all factual monetize deals wit ruby driver

I tried to get all deals for a city in the US from the Factual monetize API by the help of the ruby driver query = factual.monetize.filters("place_locality" => "San Francisco") Is there a limit of 20 results? How is it possible to get more deals?…
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5 answers

Using Factual API for Android

I want to get product info by using barcode and want to query it in How can I use factual API for Android and how I configure it ?