Questions tagged [facial-identification]

98 questions
1 answer

Issue Trying to Pip Install facial_recognition library

Running into the below errors involving the dlib Googling, installing Cmake on its own ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: 'c:\users\new age\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\python.exe' -u -c 'import sys, setuptools,…
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I'm getting a syntax Error but cannot identify

Newbie here. I'm working with OpenCV to create a facial recognition program, but I'm getting a syntax error and cannot identify why it is happening import cv2 face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("D:\\Python\\Pycharm…
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printing image paths from the dataloader in pytorch

I am trying to learn One-shot learning with pytorch. I am experimenting with this Siamese Network in Pytorch example. Using that notebook as a guide, I simply would like to print out the image file paths for each pair of images, in addition to the…
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Numpy append sometimes works, sometimes doesn't

so I've been working on this facial identification project. It's for my science fair and I'm in the phase where I'm trying to get data graphs, plots, and visualizations. I've got it to work to some extent, but it's not consistent (in terms of…
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Successfully subscribed to event notification from CTS Surveyor facial detection server but face events are not coming

I have subscribed to the CTS Surveyor's Web Socket service as per the integration guide , and received back the {"events":[{"event":"connected"}]}, however I there are no "people" events that are…
0 answers

Authentication by Facial Recognition

Is it possible to build a React Native application that uses face recognition for user authentication and can be used offline? If so, what modules / libraries are required?
1 answer

about dataset about drugs taken effects face changes

how I find the dataset about drugs taken by peoples, before and after changes of their faces. this is a new project that I tried to develop, very hard to find the relavant dataset.
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Transfer learning for facial identification using classifiers

I wish to know whether I can use an Inception or ResNet model to identify faces. I want to know whether transfer learning and training is even considerable for my task. I just want to be able to identify faces but I am also curious whether I can…
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