Questions tagged [facial-identification]

98 questions
2 answers

Perform facial recognition offline in android app

I am building an android app which will authenticate user with AWS Rekognition facial verification. The app might be running in remote areas where internet and cellular connectivity are not available. It it possible to pre-download all the face…
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' builtin_function_or_method ' , How to overcome this Error

Expressions={0:"Angry",1:"Disgust",2:"Fear",3:"Happy",4:"Sad",5:"Surprise",6:"Neutral"} from keras.utils import to_categorical labels = to_categorical(labels,len(Expressions)) images = np.array([np.fromstring(pixel, dtype=int,sep=" ")for pixel in…
0 answers

Low accuracy for triplet loss in image recognition

I am currently implementing a facial recognition model using ResNet, while applying the concept of embeddings and triplet loss from the FaceNet paper. However, I am experiencing fluctuating accuracy but relatively constant loss (see image in link…
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Unable to import a keras application

I am trying to use a keras application in pycharm. I start my script off with the following imports: from keras_vggface.vggface import VGGFace from keras_vggface.utils import preprocess_input from keras_vggface.utils import decode_predictions Upon…
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Getting SyntaxError: invalid syntax windows 10

I'm trying to create a program that recognices faces from streamed video but am starting with still photos so i'll learn from the bottom up my code so far is: $ dotnet new console -o DetectFaces $ cd DetectFaces $ dotnet add package…
1 answer

How to match face in python

I am developing a system where the user at the time of registration will take a photo of the face. Then this user will try to authenticate, using the face (just like on the iPhone X). Which library do I use for this? I want to make a 1: N match. Is…
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iOS Facial Recognition Continuous Learning

I was tasked to find the best way to create a facial recognition feature on an app with machine learning. This feature will be used to clock employees into the app. The feature will support... multiple users per device. continuous training (so…
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Problem with cosine distance of FaceNet embeddings

I've asked on the forum with regards to this but this seemed niche enough to have its own question I took the snippet with cosine distance online from here. The output doesn't seem right though... Here's my code (NOTE: I changed from np.matmul to…
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Facial identification using difference of L2 distances

I've had some confusion on this for some time now. When FaceNet is run on an image, it returns an 128 element array in Euclidean space/L2 (even this is something I do not completely get). I've had the thought that maybe this embedding can be used to…
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How can i detect the forehead region using opencv and dlib?

I want to detect the forehead region for research purposes. I have tried taking the width of my roi as the distance between the leftmost point of the left eye and the rightmost point of the right eye. This seems to work as far as width is concerned…
1 answer

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier on face-api import

I'm trying to make a simple demo application to use face-api. Line 2 of my code is throwing this error when I attempt to import the face-api.min.js file. I've tried reformatting the import but I haven't been able to get it working. //Importing Face…
0 answers

Does apple permit background facial recognition in iOS app?

We are building an app for kids, where they can interact with animation character. We want to get camera feed while in interacting without show camera feed on UI for facial recognition. Continious accessing camera can drain battery and could have…
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How secure the Face-based user verification in AWS Rekognition?

I'm planning to use AWS Rekognition service for forgot password in my iOS and android apps. Flow will be like, whenever user initiate forgot password, I will be checking whether actual user is initiating the forgot password for particular mobile…
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Using multiprocessing with opencv to run a function in parallel with inputs of frames from different cameras

I am trying to run a function which takes frames from various camera feeds and saves them to disk. I have three cameras connected to my laptop USB ports and trying to start all the cameras at once and trying to perform some action on those captured…
1 answer

Face alignment megaface

i was looking into face recognition and i came across this method to face transform using similarity transform to align faces detected by mtcnn for the megaface dataset, in that the source matrix being used was src = np.array([ …