Questions tagged [facial-identification]

98 questions
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Face recognition in group photos

I want to compare two photos in python. The first has the face of one individual. The second is a group photo with many faces. I want to see if the individual from the first photo appears in the second photo.I have tried to use many different…
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Dataset Formatting Issue in face.evoLVe.PyTorch

So I've been trying to train a large scale facial recognition model through the evoLVe.PyTorch library but im running into a lot of problems concerning the structure and formatting for the datasets. To be specific I will be validating the…
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Apple script in the login screen

I am currently working with the facial_recognition library. I have made a script that allows me to detect whether it is me or not. I am trying to implement this script into the login screen when I open my MacBook. DO you guys know how to implement…
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PyTorch CNN gives different results

I am trying to make a face recognition model with PyTorch. My model performs well with both loss scores for training and validation close to 0. The problem is when I tested it using same input, it gives me different results like below: and…
chandra sutrisno
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Microsoft Azure Face Service - GDPR

I'm conducting a DPIA for a class from the point of view of Microsoft proposing their Azure face service. I am a bit confused at how the service works. Their cognitive services terms say: "Cognitive Services customers own, and can manage and delete…
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OpenCV Alpha Layer PNG Edge Detection

I have had a very difficult time getting the numpy matrices of my background and augmentation target. This project is meant to create a face filter with emotion detection that will eventually be integrated into an API. The issue I am receiving is I…
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image aling with cv2 instead of HOG

Hi I am working on facial recognition. To increase performance I want to use facial alignment. When I use the HOG face identifier, described e.g., by Adrian I get an aligned image out. from imutils.face_utils import rect_to_bb from dlib import…
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What are the good practices to building your own custom facial recognition?

I am working on building a custom facial recognition for our office. I am planning to use Google FaceNet, Now my question is that you can find or create your own version of facenet model in keras or pytorch there's no issue in that, but regarding…
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Best way to identify a person without using facial recognition (deep learning)

I have a cctv video where I want to identify a person. I tried both facial recognition and object tracking but both failed to produce high accuracy since the quality of the frame isn't great and the face disappears from the frame sometimes. I have…
Mohamed Ali
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API for face Identification (Android Xamarin)

What Nuget package should I use for developing an Android app (Xamarin) with face identification element? I tried to use the "" package but for some unknown reason, I can't use this in Xamarin. I can't find any…
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Running facial recognition script in Django

I have a facial recognition script in my django app, below is the code, It returns a string which is the name of the person found. The script works well on its own when i pass an image parameter to it. I want to run this script in my so…
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How to train CNN on LFW dataset?

I want to train a facial recognition CNN from scratch. I can write a Keras Sequential() model following popular architectures and copying their networks. I wish to use the LFW dataset, however I am confused regarding the technical methodology. Do I…
2 answers

Facenet and single image forward propagation

I have jumped into my project and I got stuck immediately. I do not see anything clear online regarding forward propagating other than they take a whole dataset and use it on their models. The idea of my project is to recognize faces and compare…
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Is there any Cordova facial recognition plugin or API to identify device Owner?

I need to insure that the user who uses the application is the device owner, I already using FingerPrintAIO plugin for finger Print identification and i need to add Facial-Recognition as well.
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How to get the face position detection inside video using face-api?

I am using face-api library. I am trying to get the face position inside the video. I would like to make an application. It can set my face first position. And then it can give info how much my face…
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