Questions tagged [facebook-insights]

Facebook Insights provides developers and Page owners with metrics about their content.

411 questions
1 answer

Looking for the Type details for page_stories_by_story_type & page_consumptions_by_consumption_type

We are pulling page stats for page_stories_by_story_type & page_consumptions_by_consumption_type. I am looking for some confirmation and insight for the below Types. We believe we have been able to determine a few of these but some we are not sure…
4 answers

The parameter 'custom_events' or 'custom_events_file' is required for the 'CUSTOM_APP_EVENTS' activity

Upon upgrading from the Facebook iOS SDK version 3.7.1 to 3.8, I started seeing the following in my console log when authenticating with my app through Facebook: FBSDKLog: Error Domain=com.facebook.sdk Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed.…
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The app ID specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag was invalid

I tried to enable Facebook Insights for my web. I added my page's APP_ID to fb:admins to enable every admin of my page to access Insights when logged into Facebook as Page. But when I try to save the dialog message appears: The app ID…
Tomáš Fejfar
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Facebook Graph API insights

I'm new on working with Facebook and honestly I found it very confusing, terminology and documentation seems to be very ambiguous in many cases. Can somebody please help me out with a plain english explanation on how I can achive the…
Emil Borconi
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Facebook Marketing API - Python to get Insights - User Request Limit Reached

So I am trying my best to navigate my way through the Facebook API. I need to crate a script that will download my business' campaign information daily as a csv file so I can use another script to upload the information to our database easily. I…
1 answer

How to measure my app Facebook shares traffic? (non conventional)

Background I have an web app that enables its users to share individual items (posts) on Facebook. I set up a Facebook App to have a API key to do that with the Javascript SDK. It works well and I see the sharing stats in the Facebook App…
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how to get insights for all campaigns in single query + Facebook marketing api

I want to write query in Python, I want all campaigns performance details in single request. how to convert below graph api request in Python Query? //act_/campaigns?fields=insights.fields(actions_results) I'd tried using below…
2 answers

Facebook Graph API (#190) This method must be called with a Page Access Token

I get data from the Facebook insights via Facebook Graph API more than year. And recently started all my requests (like {id}/insights) to return with an error: (#190) This method must be called with a Page Access Token. But the Access token…
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How can I get Insights data for Instagram Media posts

I have tried all possibilities to get insights for a media post posted in instagram. That's the post which I am trying to get insights for- Clearly endpoints provided…
1 answer

Ideal solution to deprecated use of fb:page_id to claim a domain

I have been asked to claim a domain for a brand. We used to do this by using This would automatically give admins of the relevant Facebook page access to the domain insights. Facebook will no…
1 answer

Facebook Insights reliable way of getting the last update?

Today is 23 gen 2012. I'm querying Facebook Insights with FQL using PHP SDK. The metrics show different delay in insights updates: page_friends_of_fans metric: available for 20 gen 2012 and before, not available for 21 gen 2012 page_fans: …
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How to retrieve all my active Facebook ads?

I'm creating a dashboard for myself that helps me keep track of the Facebook ads I'm running. What I've not been able to figure out is: How can I retrieve an array of ad IDs for all ads that are active or could soon be active after no further action…
3 answers

Use time range in Ad Insights of Facebook Marketing API

I'm trying to obtain impressions of my ads between two dates I'm using Graph API Explorer with this path: act_0123456789/ads?fields=insights{ad_id,ad_name,impressions} I want to use 'time_range' attribute that we can find it in Marketing API…
4 answers

How to get insights on a Facebook fan page without user login

I'm trying to figure out how to get the total number of comments, posts, likes and fans for any given Facebook fan page and date range using the Facebook API's. I need to be able to do this without the user having to log into Facebook to give the…
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Facebook full permission AccessToken alternative to Offline access token

Currently I am using desktop windows service to download my Facebook page insights/ page likes/friends etc. graph data . so, for that i have added app on my facebook page and generated full permission offline access token. so, using that i am…
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