Questions tagged [facebook-app-settings]

44 questions
2 answers

Facebook returning error '(#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions' even after getting 'publish actions' permission approved

Hi I got 'publish_actions' permission approved for my Facebook App. But when any user accessing this app, it is not prompting for 'post on your behalf on Facebook' permission. Unless this when any user try to comment on Facebook using this app,…
1 answer

Facebook apps can't save changes with blank iPhone Store ID field

While trying to save the Settings page in the app developer menu in Facebook, I'm getting an error of not submitting an iPhone Store ID however it was empty already before. The error claims "We didn't recognize the iPad Store ID you entered. " but…
1 answer

Facebook Graph API - Page Public Content Access

I have created an App that fetches latest post data (images and text) from public Facebook page and display on my website. I have submitted my application for review but it has been rejected. I have seen examples and documents and everything…
2 answers

Facebook Comments Mirroring doesn't work

Step by step i did these Create a new Facebook App (App ID: 544557495732050) Create a new Facebook Page ( In App which created by step 1 check yes (Yes, mirror to page - which created on…
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Resetting a FaceBook App Domain and Web Platform URL - Possible Caching issue?

I have an app where currently the App Domain is set to as is the Web Platform URL. I use Login with Facebook and Register with Facebook via this app. Client OAuth Login and Web OAuth Login are enabled for this app. There are no Valid…
1 answer

unable to get the data from facebook in codeigniter using hybridauth . Anyone Suggest?

I am using Hybridauth in Codeigniter and not able to get data from Facebook. When I print user_profile I get this response: Hybrid_User_Profile Object( [identifier] => myid [email] => [emailVerified] => [phone] => [address] => [country] => [region]…
0 answers

Facebook applink in call to action button not working

I have developed an application i.e. Healthy Routine play store link Now i create a fb page and want to enable call-to action button. I filled all the information like app link and package name for Android Section. app link(deep link)…
2 answers

Unable to set iOS - iPhone in App Center Listed Platforms

I tried in every way, I consulted a lot of post on StackOverflow, but no one gave me the right solution! I can not enable iOS - iPhone App Center Listed Platforms Facebook. I have everything complete in every detail (the app is on the App Store, but…
1 answer

Facebook app: Cannot add localhost domain with my live server domain

Whenever I tried to add localhost domain with my live server domain in my facebook app domain it shows me error "App domains must match the domain of the Facebook Web Games URL (https), Mobile Site URL, Unity Binary URL, Site URL or Secure Page Tab…
1 answer

Where do I know why restricted our app on Facebook?

2 weeks ago we received a message on about our app appears to be creating a negative experience on Facebook, and it violate the privacy policy of Facebook. We recived an email with the same info, and 4 paragraph which…
Benjamin S
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Facebook Dev Console - App logo icon not changing, why?

Facebook Dev/My Apps I replaced the "App Icon" in the "App Details" tab but the icon is not changing on the "Dashboard" tab or anywhere else. Anyone know how to correct this issue? Thank you in advance. :)
1 answer

How to setup facebook app for localhost?

Today, I've been trying to setup facebook app for localhost and I couldn't find the right solution for it. It was working in the past and I don't know what facebook updated with it... Here's what I did: I've created test app from one of my public…
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1 answer

POST /{application_id}, cannot update ios_bundle_id

Facebook's Graph API documentation lists the application object's ios_bundle_id field under the "Updating" section. However, sending a POST request to update said field, e.g. POST:…
1 answer

Connecting Twitter to Business Facebook page just spins

I am trying to connect my Twitter Account to my business Facebook page. I followed Twitter's instructions to connect to Facebook ala I feel like I've done everything, but when…
Bob .
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Connect Facebook like button on website - do I need an app for that?

I created a Facebook page for my website, and I have added the like button to various product pages. Whenever I load the page, I get the error that I need a valid app ID. So I created the app and added the website as a platform, but I keep getting…
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