Questions tagged [external-javascript-library]

19 questions
2 answers

If I want to use a javascript library like AOS in React, HOW?

I want to use the JavaScript library AOS ( inside of my React application. How do I include it in my App.js file? import React from 'react'; import logo from './logo.svg'; import './App.css'; import 'aos'; function…
4 answers

Using external js library in functional component

I am using the CircleType.js library which allows you to curve a string of text/render it as a circle. However, I am very new to React and I'm not sure how to use the library in React. I created a functional component and used the documentation…
2 answers

ASP.NET Core: JavaScript files getting cached

I am writing an ASP.NET Core MVC site and using my own JavaScript library, which I edit frequently. The problem is that sometimes the modifications to the file don’t show up in the browser, even though I see them while debugging. Renaming the file…
1 answer

What's needed in a Javascript Library to allow use of Import function directly?

I use Angular with vanillajs libraries. There is no problem. Library works fine, but most of the time, I have to do the following declare var MyLib: any; However, for this particular library (CanvasJS), this works... import * as CanvasJS from…
1 answer

Getting the 401 Status code when using the external js file

I have created a simple web site in and I have used the two js file on my page Code of customerpage.aspx page Sample Site Also,…