Questions tagged [exponential-distribution]

Anything related to the exponential probability distribution, i.e. a continuous probability distribution whose probability density function is a one-sided decreasing exponential function.

Anything related to the exponential probability distribution, i.e. a continuous probability distribution whose probability density function is a one-sided decreasing exponential function:

f(x) = ke-kx    if x >= 0

f(x) = 0          if x < 0

where k is a constant.

See Wikipedia page on the exponential distribution.

Tag usage

Questions on should be about implementation and programming problems, not about the statistical or theoretical properties of the technique. Consider whether your question might be better suited to Cross Validated, the StackExchange site for statistics, machine learning and data analysis.

85 questions
1 answer

Determine waiting times between plane arrivals python

I'm writing a program, that takes 200 planes distributed with the poisson distribution over 12 hours and these planes need to land at an airfield that only has 1 runway. I use the reverse CDF method from the exponential distribution to determine the…
1 answer

Log Likelihood in maxLik function

I have a PDF of this where the t I got it from the inverse method. and the x from x<-rnorm(20,0,1). This is model from exponential parallel for survival analysis with covariate where I let lambda= b0+b1*x PDF = 2 * (b0+b1*x) * exp(-(b0+b1*x)*t) *…
1 answer

Markov Chain with an Exponential Distribution in Python

I am new to random number generation in Python. I understand the concept of a Markov Chain, but I am unable to convert it into a useful code: Markov Chain - P(X_m+1 = j|X_m = i, X_m-1 = x_m-1,.....,X_0 = i_0) = P(X_m+1 = j |X_m = i) For example how…
0 answers

Exponential models using nls() in R

I have a dataset which resembles the following: time <- c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 , 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190) temp <- c(30, 28, 24, 20, 17, 13, 10, 9, 8, 7.5, 7, 6.5, 6, 5.8, 5.5, 5.3, 5.1, 5, 5, 5) Ts = 5 #…
1 answer

Exponential distribution to represent crash game

I'm sure many of you have heard of the game called crash. Some popular examples of this are satoshi, bustabit. It's pretty complicated to explain, so I will begin assuming that you are familiar with it. Anyways, my goal is to recreate something…
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0 answers

Generate exponential distribution of event times

I have to generate event times in the time interval [0; T] with T = 2000 s such that the waiting times between consecutive events are exponentially distributed with mean u = 0.4 s. Then counting the number of events per second. I thought I could…
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0 answers

OMNET++: Over-ride textual substitution in .ini files

In .ini file of OMNET++, I want to generate user locations such that inter-location distance is exponentially distributed. I tried using the following code: *.user[0].mobility.initialX = ${X0 = 100m} *.user[1].mobility.initialX = ${X1 = ${X0} +…
2 answers

How to generate N numbers from 0-1 that follows exponential decay pattern (in Python)?

I would like to generate 320 numbers (X1, X2.... X320) ranging from 0-1 across 320 days: Date | Value 2020-03-18 X1 2020-03-19 X2 ... 2021-01-31 X320 So that when I plot "Value" against "Date", the numbers follow exponential…
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0 answers

Python exponential curve fitting in pandas: Define function parameters per row

my dataframe [11 x 300], where the column header equals 'x' ([0.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2,2.25,2.5,2.75,3,3.25]), and each row-value represents 'y' for. Each row can be described by an exponential function in the following format : a * x ^k + b. The goal…
2 answers

Fitting exponential distribution to frequency table

I have the following data set: intervals <- c("0-10", "10-20", "20-30", "30-40", "40-50", "50-75", "75-100", ">100") int.mean <- c(5.5, 14.3, 24.9, 35.4, 45.2, 63.1, 86.1, NA) freq <- c(165, 90, 55, 25, 20, 35, 30, 15) data <- data.frame(intervals,…
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1 answer

R generating binomial Random variables from exponential random variables

I have 100000 exponential random variables generated withrexp and I am asked to generate 100000 binomial random variables from them using built in R functions. I really don't know how can I generate one random variable from another. I searched some…
amir na
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1 answer

How can (X|X>Y) change to (X-Y|X>Y)+(Y|X>Y)?

If X~Exp(a), Y~Exp(b), consider (X|X>Y). My book said that (X|X>Y)=(X-Y+Y|X>Y)=(X-Y|X>Y)+(Y|X>Y). But Why?? I don't know why we can divide those two things.
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1 answer

Why is the Scipy instance of expon() returning type:

I am interested why the code below returns an instance type of rv_frozen when expon() is an instance of class expon_gen(rv_continuous) in the file. Shouldn't it return type:…
Brian Wiley
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3 answers

Loop in a dataset simulation

I hope to get help on the following problem in R. I have the folowing code to generate 30 column dataset based on an exponential distribuition: x0=0 xmax=8000 xout=3000 lambda=0.0002 n=1 x1=x0+rexp(n,lambda)-xout x2=x1+rexp(n,lambda)-xout …
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0 answers

Exponential distribution in Java not right - values too small?

I am trying to generate an exponential distribution for arrival and service times of processes. In C++, the example I have works fine and generates pseudo-random numbers in the range [0, inf) and some are bigger as expected. In Java, it does not…
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