Questions tagged [non-linear-regression]

In statistics, nonlinear regression is a form of regression analysis in which observations are modeled by a function which is a nonlinear combination of the model parameters and depends on one or more independent variables.

597 questions
2 answers

Multinomial logit in R: mlogit versus nnet

I want to run a multinomial logit in R and have used two libraries, nnet and mlogit, which produce different results and report different types of statistics. My questions are: What is the source of discrepency between the coefficients and standard…
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Calculation of R^2 value for a non-linear regression

I would first like to say, that I understand that calculating an R^2 value for a non-linear regression isn't exactly correct or a valid thing to do. However, I'm in a transition period of performing most of our work in SigmaPlot over to R and for…
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non linear regression with random effect and lsoda

I am facing a problem I do not manage to solve. I would like to use nlme or nlmODE to perform a non linear regression with random effect using as a model the solution of a second order differential equation with fixed coefficients (a damped…
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1 answer

Keras model to fit polynomial

I generated some data from a 4th degree polynomial and wanted to create a regression model in Keras to fit this polynomial. The problem is that predictions after fitting seem to be basically linear. Since this is my first time working with neural…
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Distinction between linear and non linear regression?

In Machine Learning, we say that: w1x1 + w2x2 +...+ wnxn is a linear regression model where w1,w2....wn are the weights and x1,x2...x2 are the features whereas: w1x12 + w2x22 +...+ wnxn2 is a non linear (polynomial) regression model However, in…
1 answer

Is deep learning bad at fitting simple non linear functions outside training scope (extrapolating)?

I am trying to create a simple deep-learning based model to predict y=x**2 But looks like deep learning is not able to learn the general function outside the scope of its training set. Intuitively I can think that neural network might not be able to…
1 answer

Find initial conditions for nonlinear models using the nlsLM function

I am using the nlsLM function from the minpack.lm package to find the values of parameters a, e, and c that give the best fit to the data out. Here is my code: n <- seq(0, 70000, by = 1) TR <- 0.946 b <- 2000 k <- 50000 nr <- 25 na <- 4000 nd <-…
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How to perform piece wise/spline regression for longitudinal temperature series in R (New Update)?

Here I have temperature time series panel data and I intend to run piecewise regression or cubic spline regression for it. So first I quickly looked into piecewise regression concepts and its basic implementation in R in SO, got an initial idea how…
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Understanding the Jacobian output of scipy.optimize.minimize

I'm working with scipy.optimize.minimize to find the minimum of the RSS for a custom nonlinear function. I'll provide a simple linear example to illustrate what I am doing: import numpy as np from scipy import optimize def response(X, b0, b1, b2): …
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1 answer

How can you remove only the interaction terms in a polynomial regression using scikit-learn?

I am running a polynomial regression using scikit-learn. I have a large number of variables (23 to be precise) which I am trying to regress using polynomial regression with degree 2. interaction_only = True, keeps only the interaction terms such as…
3 answers

Finding non-linear correlations in R

I have about 90 variables stored in data[2-90]. I suspect about 4 of them will have a parabola-like correlation with data[1]. I want to identify which ones have the correlation. Is there an easy and quick way to do this? I have tried building a…
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Nonlinear multiple regression in R

I'm trying to run a nonlinear multiple regression in R with a dataset, it has thousands of rows so I'll just put the first few here: Header.1 Header.2 Header.3 Header.4 Header.5 Header.6 Header.7 1 -60 -45 615 720 …
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finding a point on a sigmoidal curve in r

Here is a data set: df <- data.frame('y' = c(81,67,54,49,41,25), 'x' =c(-50,-30,-10,10,30,50)) So far, I know how to fit a sigmoidal curve and display it on screen: plot(df$y ~ df$x) fit <- nls(y ~ SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid, scal), data =…
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2 answers

Statistical tests: how do (perception; actual results; and next) interact?

What is the interaction between perception, outcome, and outlook? I've brought them into categorical variables to [potentially] simplify things. import pandas as pd import numpy as np high, size = 100, 20 df = pd.DataFrame({'perception':…
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1 answer

Tensorflow. Nonlinear regression

I have these feature and label, that are not linear enough to be satisfied with linear solution. I trained SVR(kernel='rbf') model from sklearn, but now its time to do it with tensorflow, and its hard to say what one should write to achieve same or…
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