Questions tagged [exponential-distribution]

Anything related to the exponential probability distribution, i.e. a continuous probability distribution whose probability density function is a one-sided decreasing exponential function.

Anything related to the exponential probability distribution, i.e. a continuous probability distribution whose probability density function is a one-sided decreasing exponential function:

f(x) = ke-kx    if x >= 0

f(x) = 0          if x < 0

where k is a constant.

See Wikipedia page on the exponential distribution.

Tag usage

Questions on should be about implementation and programming problems, not about the statistical or theoretical properties of the technique. Consider whether your question might be better suited to Cross Validated, the StackExchange site for statistics, machine learning and data analysis.

85 questions
1 answer

summation of exponential distribution with different parameters

I just calculated a summation of two exponential distritbution with different lambda. It's known that summmation of exponential distributions is Erlang(Gamma) distribution. However, when lamdbas are different, result is a litte bit different. Anyway…
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Undefined function or variable 'exp2fit'

I'm new to MATLAB and I am trying to use the exp2fit function, but the command window throws the following error: Undefined function or variable 'exp2fit'. Error in myscript (line 34) s=exp2fit(t,f,1); What am I doing wrong?
1 answer

Finding the distribution through random number generation in R

X is exponentially distributed with parameter lambda=0.5. I want to find Pr(1/mean(X)< K)=0.95 As I don't know the distribution of 1/mean(X) I generate a distribution by the following code. m<-c() exponentialFunc<-function(n,lambda,nsim){ …
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1 answer

In Powershell, How to generate a random variable (exponential) with a specified mean?

I am trying to write a basic simulation (a queue), which relies on generating random expovariates. While Powershell offers a Get-Random function, you can specify a min and a max, but it doesn't have anywhere near Python's random.expovariate(lambd)…
0 answers

R Studio Exponential Distribution

I am trying to plot a quantile plot of an exponential distribution and I don't understand some part. Here's what I enter into R N=(1:10) P=(N-0.5)/10 data=c(2,4,5,7,8,10,14,17,27,35) m = mean(data) expquantiles = qexp(P,…
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1 answer

Generate random exponential value correctly c++

I want to generate random number belonging to an exponential distribution. I wrote this int size = atoi(argv[2]); double *values = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*size); double gamma = atof(argv[1]); if(gamma<=0.0){ …
2 answers

recursively generate exponential random variables

I am new to recursion in R. I am trying to generate exponential random variables that meet a certain condition in R. Here is a simple example showing my attempt to generate two independent exponential random variables. CODE #### Function to…
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2 answers

Exponential regression in R

I have some points that look like a logarithmic curve. The curve that I'm trying to obtain look like: y = a * exp(-b*x) + c My code: x <-…
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1 answer

Is there a dart package for random distributions?

I was wondering if there already exists a dart package that offers drawing random numbers from known distributions like normal, erlang, exponential, triangular etc.?
0 answers

How can write the probability density function of generalized exponential distribution as exponential family?

I want to use GAM method and generalized exponential distribution for my project. I know GAM method is a generalized GLM method and distribution of response variable must be in exponential family. The probability density (pdf) of generalized…
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0 answers

Hash function that distributes hash values exponentially

I'm currently developing a software for which I need a hash function to calculate a hash value. The occurrences hash values should have to be exponentially distributes (i.e. small hash values should thus occur way more frequently than larger hash…
0 answers

What is the probability of the total service time for the first and the second customers will be three minutes or less?

Assume that the time required to serve one customer is exponentially distributed with a mean of five minutes and that the service time for any customer is independent of the service time for any other customer. (1) What are the expected value and…
1 answer

convert linear graph to exponential graph based on the values

I want to convert the linear graph to exponential graph. There are 2 values generated on x-axis value of SCORE which ranges from [-1,-0.9,-0.8,..0,0.1,0.2,....1] and y-axis value range from [0,255] The linear graph generated is And I want the…
2 answers

How to prove arrival rate follows Exponential Distributions?

I'm studying Anylogic. I'm curious about something. Some people explain that arrival rate follows Exponential Distribution. I wanna know 'How can prove that?' Any kind guidance from you would be very helpful and much appreciated. Thank you so much.
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0 answers

Count trips and traffic from a starting point

I need to estimate the number of bus trips that occur from a starting point. There is only one single bus, so the vehicle goes back and forth from the starting point to another destination. We have a sensor at the starting point that counts the…