Questions tagged [expired-sessions]

60 questions
5 answers MVC - How to check session expire for Ajax request

We are using Ajax call across the application- trying to find out a global solution to redirect to login page if session is already expired while trying to execute any Ajax request. I have coded following solution taking help from this post -…
2 answers

Rails - Catch 'Invalid Authenticity Token' exception

I'm currently using RESTful Authentication plug-in on my rails application. There is a typical scenario when a user stays at login screen for enough time (let's say 1 day..) that makes the authentication token invalid due to time expire. When this…
3 answers

Spring security invalid session redirect

I'm using spring security 4.0.1 inside a spring boot 1.2.3 web application ( and also with spring-session 1.0.1, but this is irrelevant for the case ). I do have a private area, and an all access area ( "/about", "/","/contact",... more than 20…
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How browser correctly calculate epiration datetime of cookie with different timezone on server and client side

The server and client in different time zone. The difference in 6 hours. The server sets a cookie for 1 hour but the client correctly receives it and keeps an hour, although the client is currently 5 hours ago. How client correctly sets the cookie…
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0 answers

Programatically expired spring session causes the rest-api user to face unexpected response

There is an adminUser A who can make the session of another rest-api user B expired. Collection usersSessions = sessionRegistry.getAllSessions(user, true); usersSessions.forEach((temp) -> { temp.expireNow(); }); Now, when…
2 answers

OAuth grant flow - tokens expiration

I'm developing an Android app that uses Outlook Calendar REST API. I'm trying to keep in synch and updated the calendars of multiple users (meeting rooms). My questions are: 1) After how long does the initial authorization code expires? 2) And for…
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Issue for loading Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms in sub-directory

Using Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms Version 15 working normally however, for complaince we have added path in ASP.NETSessionID cookie due to the path we have moved ReportViewerWebForm.aspx in the same folder Now, SSRS load with some of the things…
1 answer

Invalid Authencity Token after deploy

Whenever I deploy a new version of an rails app, the authenticity token of the previous release becomes invalid. That's the normal behavior. I'm not looking to change that. However, any user that still has a page open on the last version, will get…
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Simulate Session Timeout/Expiration in Chrome

I have a piece of code I need to test for a case where the user is detected via cookies, but the session has timed out. To save myself from waiting around, is there a way I can modify the session in dev tools to simulate a timeout? I know you can…
2 answers

PHP session expiring too early

I have an issue, my apps sessions are expiring unexpectedly after about 15 minutes. I need them to expire after 4 hours. The server is Centos 5.5, PHP is 5.3.2. Below is my code (included in an global…
Kyle Hudson
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Response content type different from what expected

I have a jquery calendar widget that do query several event sources on the server and these sources all returns the same JSON format responses. What is really annoying is that when the user cookie expires these sources all redirect the user to the…
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1 answer

How To Set Logon Expiry in ASP.NET Core Identity

Reference: Building Your First Web API with ASP.NET Core MVC and Visual Studio Scenario: (a) a .NET Core 1.0 Web API solution was built using the above link. (b) That solution was run in Debug mode. (c) a user registered (d) that user logged on (e)…
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1 answer

ASP.NET Identity session expires too fast on prod server

After applying this tutorial to my project, on my local host there is no problem however when I deploy to prod server which is on plesk, session expires too fast. Less than 5 minutes probably and it is constantly like this. As the tutorial uses…
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Spring JS partial request - session expired

I'm using Spring JS (Spring WebFlow) to do ajax requests. E.g.: