Questions tagged [error-detection]

101 questions
0 answers

CRC: false positive under some circumstances

Consider two computers A and B. A has uses G and B uses G' where G' != G and of different degrees. Computer A wants to send a data D and it uses CRC for that cause. The claim says that there couldn't be a scenario where A sends a CRC-message…
0 answers

How to compute hamming code for 10 bits?

I have seen examples of hamming code detection and correction with 8 bits or 12 bits. Suppose I had the bit string: 1101 0110 11 which contains 10 bits. Do I need to add two additional bits to that bit string to complete the nibble? If so do I add…
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4 answers

Does SQL Server have any built-in error checking mechanisms with regards to receiving an sql statement?

This question is a follow-up/in relation to my previous question here: SQL Server: Is there a need to verify a data modification? I did some googling, and the paper (which I can't access) "When the CRC and TCP checksum disagree" indicates the…
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1 answer

How to Calculate Hamming Distance of CRC code

My professor for my graduate course has given us a task of calculating the hamming distance of the CRC method that he demonstrated in the slide He showed us how the CRC protocol can catch all single, double, odd number of bit errors, burst errors 2…
James Combs
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UART Communication: Usage of ODD and EVEN partiy

I am currently working on understanding UART communication. The parity bit is used to check for errors in the transmission, but why are there odd and even modes? They serve the exact same use. One of the two modes would be enough. For instance, odd…
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Can the ErrorInsight cache be cleared without reloading the project (group)?

When I work an a project group and make changes to a package that is used by the main program ErrorInsight fails to automatically update itself. A similar issue can be seen in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, when you change something in the…
Jens Mühlenhoff
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2 answers

ASCII with odd parity

Consider a data communications system that represents characters using ASCII with odd parity. Each 7-bit ASCII character is followed by a parity bit. Specify the resulting 8-bit code word for each of the characters in the following message that is…
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2 answers

How does QTP detect an Error?

Suppose there is a test script that is being executed and an error occurs, can someone explain how QTP detects that it is an error? Basically I want to know how QTP detects this error? Eg: Maybe some variable that is continuously monitered to check…
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1 answer

Multiple Small CRC checks or a single large CRC check?

Suppose I have L = 1024 bits to protect with CRC check using 16 extra bits. I have the choice of using either 16 CRC-1 (single parity check) or one CRC-16 check. Which option is better in terms of error detection capability? For 16 CRC-1, our error…
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1 answer

Matching a CRC code by appending to message

I have a binary string (shown in hex below) and am using CRC-16-CCITT. I want all of my CRCs to come out to a set value, 0x1D0F. I know it is possible to make the CRCs match this value by appending on 2 bytes to the end of the original message,…
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2 answers

Do we add the parity bit to the front or the back of bit set

Do we add the parity bit to the front or the back of the bit set? A bit that acts as a check on a set of binary values, calculated in such a way that the number of 1s in the set plus the parity bit should always be even (or occasionally, should…
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1 answer

Block Check Character (BCC) error burst detection

Disclaimer: Not homework! Problem I've been reading up on BCC error detection for my networks course and have got a bit confused over one particular explanation in some of the slides. Given Information We are provided the following explanation: …
Pete Hamilton
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Error trapping for a missing data source in a Spring MVC / Spring JDBC web app

I have written a web app that uses Spring MVC libraries and Spring JDBC to connect to an Oracle DB. (I don't use any ORM type libraries as I create stored procedures on Oracle that do my stuff and I'm quite happy with that.) I use a connection pool…
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1 answer

What kind of Error Detection Analysis does the Netbeans IDE have?

I'm doing some research on Netbeans IDE. I mean, why use ActionPMD and FindBugs plug-ins when Netbeans already has a built in error detection system? Is the difference really that significant?
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0 answers

'Unable to resolved identifier cudaMalloc' in NetBeans IDE 7.1

I'm trying to configure NetBeans Code Assistance to recognize CUDA functions in C++ so the red sqwiggly lines don't show up. However, the code builds and runs successfully. Are there any includes that I'm missing for Code Assistance to recognize…
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