Questions tagged [error-detection]

101 questions
15 answers

Cosmic Rays: what is the probability they will affect a program?

Once again I was in a design review, and encountered the claim that the probability of a particular scenario was "less than the risk of cosmic rays" affecting the program, and it occurred to me that I didn't have the faintest idea what that…
Mark Harrison
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2 answers

Software memory bit-flip detection for platforms without ECC

Most available desktop (cheap) x86 platforms now still nave no ECC memory support (Error Checking & Correction). But the rate of memory bit-flip errors is still growing (not the best SO thread, Large scale CERN 2007 study "Data integrity": "Bit…
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2 answers

Trying to reverse engineer a packet checksum/CRC/hash

I have an old, no longer manufactured electronic device with a serial port. I am trying to reverse engineer the data packet CRC/checksum/hash used in this device. Anyone with keen eyes, sharp math skills out there who might be able to crack this…
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2 answers

Is there a global approach to catch network errors in javascript

I'm researching the possibility of automated on-page error detection via Javascript. I have found several questions where the answer allows you to catch Javascript compilation and runtime errors globally via window.onerror, but no answers mention…
Fabio Beltramini
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1 answer

Why does BCL GZipStream (with StreamReader) not reliably detect Data Errors with CRC32?

The the other day I ran into the question GZipStream doesn't detect corrupt data (even CRC32 passes)? (Of which this might very well be a "duplicate", I have mixed feelings on the subject. I was also the one who added the CRC32 to the title, but in…
9 answers

How to detect synchronization violations with Java

I'm wondering what good ways there would be make assertions about synchronization or something so that I could detect synchronization violations (while testing). That would be used for example for the case that I'd have a class that is not…
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2 answers

Checksumming: CRC or hash?

Performance and security considerations aside, and assuming a hash function with a perfect avalanche effect, which should I use for checksumming blocks of data: CRC32 or hash truncated to N bytes? I.e. which will have a smaller probability to miss…
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12 answers

Is there a way to determine whether an e-mail reaches its destination?

I have a PHP script that sends out critical e-mails that needs to reach its destination. I know how to check whether the e-mail sent successfully, the only issue is knowing whether it actually got to its recipient. Any suggestions? If there is no…
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1 answer

How can I encode 0000 to 11110 in 4B/5B encoding scheme

From the 4B/5B encoding scheme dataward 0000 in encoded to 11110 codeword similarly 0001 is encoded to 01001 etc. Here the result of XOR operation between two codewords will be another valid codeword. For example XOR of 11110 and 01001 is another…
1 answer

How well do Non-cryptographic hashes detect errors in data vs. CRC-32 etc.?

Non-cryptographic hashes such as MurmurHash3 and xxHash are almost exclusively designed for hash tables, but they appear to function comparably (and even favorably) to CRC-32, Adler-32 and Fletcher-32. Non-crypto hashes are often faster than CRC-32…
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3 answers

Finding hamming distance of code

A question asks: find the hamming distance of the following code: 11111 10101 01010 11100 00011 11001 The answer is 2. How does this work? I thought hamming distance is only between two strings?
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2 answers

Checking the error detection capabilities of CRC polynomials

I tried to find out how to calculate the error detection capabilities of arbitrary CRC polynomials. I know that there are various error detection capabilities that may (or may not) apply to an arbitrary polynomial: Detection of a single bit…
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2 answers

JavaScript: prevent unintentional creation of new property

Typos happen, and sometimes it is really hard to track them down in JavaScript. Take this for example (imagine it in between some more code): // no error. I would like a warning document.getElementById('out').innerHtml = "foo"; For undeclared…
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1 answer

Eliminating sequences in a message

I have an odd communications channel, and I need to detect errors as well as eliminate certain sequences in the channel. Each message is 12 bits long, split into 3 nibbles (of 4 bits each). I need to extract at least 450 different codes out of this,…
Adam Davis
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4 answers

Error Detection Effiency (CRC, Checksum, etc)

I have a hypothetical situation of sending data units, each of a thousand bytes. Failure rate is rare but when a error does occur it is less likely to be a single bit error and more likely to be an error in a few bits in a row. At first I thought of…
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