Questions tagged [envoyproxy]

Use this tag for questions about the Envoy xDS APIs or Envoy internals.

Envoy is an L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures. The project was born out of the belief that:

The network should be transparent to applications. When network and application problems do occur it should be easy to determine the source of the problem.

Envoy is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). If you are a company that wants to help shape the evolution of technologies that are container-packaged, dynamically-scheduled and microservices-oriented, consider joining the CNCF. For details about who's involved and how Envoy plays a role, read the CNCF announcement.

For official documentation, head to

To get in touch with the envoy community, please see the contacts list.

480 questions
1 answer

Istio route rules

I'm trying to set some route rules and I have a problem in the following case. If I send a HTTP request to the port, let's say, 5000 of the service "service-a" I want my route rule to forward the request to the port 5001 of the service "service-b".…
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compiling GoStdlib fails on linux + ppc64le

I realize this is unsupported, but I'm trying to understand if there's some way around it. bazel build //src/envoy ERROR: /home/christy/.cache/bazel/_bazel_christy/bf2fef385bbf6e59110f7665da7ca8d6/external/io_bazel_rules_go/BUILD.bazel:9:1: GoStdlib…
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1 answer

Envoy with gRPC routing

I cant seem to make Envoy working with multiple gRPC services deployed. gRPC call always goes to the same instance. How does Envoy load balancer discovers there are other instances of same service were launched with docker-compose scale? Service1…
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How to configure dynamic routing of gRPC requests with envoy, nomad and consul

We use nomad to deploy our applications - which provide gRPC endpoints - as tasks. The tasks are then registered to Consul, using nomad's service stanza. The routing for our applications is achieved with envoy proxy. We are running central envoy…
Dominik Sandjaja
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How to deploy Envoy EDS/SDS

This is a micro services deployment question. How would you deploy Envoy SDS(service discovery service) so other envoy proxies can find the SDS server hosts, in order to discover other services to build the service mesh. Should I put it behind a…
Sasinda Rukshan
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3 answers

service in a pod(envoy proxy enabled) cannot connect to redis pod

Step 1. I deployed redis without envoy sidecar. When running a regis-cli in another pod which does not have envoy, redis connection working ok. => Proved redis itself functions. Step 2.…
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1 answer

Istio Task - Testing Istio mutual TLS authentication - Can not perform on Bluemix for example BookInfo

Env: Bluemix + K8 + Istio + Bookinfo Refer to When doing - Testing the authentication setup , Step 4, it failed because the container has smallest linux installed which does not support curl…
Fei Wang
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1 answer

Routing internal traffic in Kubernetes?

We presently have a setup where applications within our mesos/marathon cluster want to reach out to services which may or may not reside in our mesos/marathon cluster. Ingress for external traffic into the cluster is accomplished via an Amazon ELB…
Bruce L
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1 answer

Envoy - Permission denied

I'm trying to deploy my project using Envoy. I linked my vagrant to a deploybot user on the server, which works perfectly, but when I try to deploy my project I get these errors [deploybot@"Server IP"]: PHP Warning: …
Joren Polfliet
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2 answers

EnvoyFilter jwt_authn

i'm trying to use the EnvoyFilter to pass the jwt payload from the request, decode it and use the claims as headers to the request. it does not work, and i fail to get the dynamicMetadata filled with the payload after using the jwt_authn. here is an…
2 answers

Kubernetes EnvoyFilter description

I have to check is any EnvoyFilter is deployed in kubernetes with istio, how can we find it in kubernetes dashboard or using kubectl command.
ajoy sinha
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Grok pattern for envoy proxy logs

[2020-05-05T04:27:54.668Z] "GET…
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how to change envoy configuration dynamically

I have a kubernetes cluster with 3 node and 3 envoy, I want to change envoy configuration, without losing connection, what is the best solution ???
1 answer

Where envoy Istio fits in to microservice application

I am trying to understand full picture of microservice architecture. I work on java so worked with spring boot applications. As per my understanding spring has good integration with Netflix modules like service discovery , zuul api Gateway, hystrix…
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Why is Envoy ext-authz not honoring connect_timeout?

I am using the ext-authz filter using a cluster setting like below: static_resources: clusters: - name: ext-authz type: static http2_protocol_options: {} hosts: # Host docker0 IP address. - socket_address: {…
Per Lundberg
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