Env: Bluemix + K8 + Istio + Bookinfo

Refer to https://istio.io/docs/tasks/security/mutual-tls.html

When doing - Testing the authentication setup , Step 4, it failed because the container has smallest linux installed which does not support curl command.

Fei Wang
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  • Also when I go into the container, I saw this : I have no name!@productpage-v1-3215019514-z6z67:/$ ls /etc/certs/ cert-chain.pem key.pem root-cert.pem – Fei Wang Oct 19 '17 at 04:12

1 Answers1


You can try to get a shell to the container and install curl:

kubectl exec -it productpage-v1-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXX -c productpage /bin/bash
apt-get update && apt-get install curl
Vadim Eisenberg
  • 3,141
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  • Hi Vadim, Thanks for your reply. Actually I have tried that but failed because of permission denied. Also sudo command is not avaiable as well – Fei Wang Oct 19 '17 at 01:44
  • Hi Vadim, actually it resolved my issue. the example command has the " -c istio-system" instead of "-c productpage" , you are right about that. It's resolved after change that. Thanks a lot – Fei Wang Oct 19 '17 at 10:01