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Is there a grok pattern already available for this envoyproxy log?

I am using debugger on kibana and so far come this far, need help in finishing this up

\[%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp}\] \"%{WORD:method} %{URIPATH:request} ?%{URIPARAM:url_params} %{URIPROTO:protocol}/%{NUMBER:httpversion}" %{NUMBER:response} - "-" "-" %{GREEDYDATA:flags} %{IP:client_ip}(,\\s%{IP})*
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  • You don't ask people to do your work "need help in finishing this up". if you have a specific question on an issue you should ask. otherwise delete this question please. – eladyanai May 27 '20 at 09:59
  • You should read the question properly, I asked if there is any existing patterns available. Because I see the patterns available for Nginx logs. As this is a standard thing and if one has solved it, it can help others save all the effort. I thought SO exists for the same reason to help each other. Anyway I solved this, see the answer it can help you @eladyanai – Mah3ndra May 27 '20 at 12:06

1 Answers1


Here is the Grok pattern you can use to pre-process envoyproxy logs before saving them to elasticsearch indices

"""\[%{GREEDYDATA:istio.timestamp}\] \"%{WORD:istio.method} %{URIPATH:istio.request}(?:%{URIPARAM:istio.url_params}|-)? %{URIPROTO:istio.protocol}/%{NUMBER:istio.httpversion}\" %{NUMBER:istio.response} (?<istio.response_flag>%{DATA}|-)? \"-\" \"-\" %{NUMBER:istio.bytes_received} %{NUMBER:istio.bytes_sent} %{NUMBER:istio.duration} (?<istio.service_time>%{NUMBER}|-)? \"(?<istio.x_forwarded_for>%{IP:istio.client_ip},%{SPACE}.+?(?=")|-)\" \"(?<istio.user_agent>%{DATA}.+?(?=")|-)\"?"""
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