Questions tagged [endlessscroll]

Endlessscroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages.

Endlessscroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. But essentially it is pre-fetching content from a subsequent page and adding it directly to the user’s current page.

80 questions
1 answer

How to do endless scrolling in recyclerview, in both left and right directions?

I have an endless recycler view which I populate with data as scrolling is done. When I scroll right, it works perfectly. Problem is I can't figure out how to scroll left endlessly. If I am able to scroll, only then will I be able to populate the…
0 answers

pagination doesn't resume after internet goes off and back on

i am working on pagination with recyclerview, it works very well, but the moment i switch off my internet connection, it stops normally, but when i put it back on and scroll to the bottom, the pagination doesn't resume unless i restart the…
4 answers

Endless scrolling recyclerview onScrolled not triggered if content is smaller than screen height

I'm trying to implement endless scrolling with recyclerview and it works fine. However, I noticed when the content size is smaller than the screen height, onScrolled is never called. I want to load more when scrolling down but I can't detect a…
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when load new page endless recycler go to first position

i have recycler and use the endless recycler(Link) for load data from server with volley i have a problem! when load next page for example load page 2 and when recycler update , recycler refresh and goes to first position and i do not want goes to…
Hadi Khezrpor
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Implement endless RecyclerView with control for max elements in memory (ArrayList)

Task: 1) Read data from SQLITE (1000 elements) by 20 elements 2) set Max size for ArrayList (50 for example) 3) Scroll down - load more items and remove invisible items from ArrayList 4) Scroll up - load prev items and remove invisible…
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2 answers

How can I use LoadMore in RecyclerView?

I load some json data from server and I show them in my app.I use RecyclerView. I want load 10 items for first time and load 10 other items with scroll. How can I do it? I am using this tutorial and this point I cant match tutorial to my code…
1 answer

Android recyclerview endless scroll listner onScrolled() getting called twice

This is how I am setting up recyclerview. mRecyclerViewRides = (RecyclerView) findViewById(; // use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes // in content do not change the layout size of the…
Pritam Kadam
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1 answer

RecyclerView : Pull to refresh and EndlessScroll implementation AKA Lazy loading

I am trying to implement pull to refresh and endless scroll on recyclerview. While the endless scroll works very well, if I navigate to the top of recylerview and trigger pull to refresh, list is refreshed though, it results in endless scroll…
1 answer

WP8.1 Universal: Properly cancel and restart LoadMoreItemsAsync from ISupportIncrementalLoading

In order to have endless scrolling in my WP8.1 universal app I've implemented ISupportIncrementalLoading and I'm using the result to bind to my ListView. Works fine with this code: public sealed class IncrementalLoadingCollection :…
1 answer

Implementing Endless scrolling in Recycler View

I have a Recycler View which uses AsyncTask to populate UI. Currently it retrieves all the data from the DB and displays it in one shot, but I want to retrieve only 15 records in one go and after the scroll ends I want to load more 15 records and…
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onloadmore method loads only 5 items on resume

The app should load 5 items each time the user scrolls all the way down, it works fine but when the user change to another activity and return to the brows activity (the main activity) it loads only 5 items here is my my code for scrolling …
Aryam Saleh
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1 answer

ListView with Refresh and LoadMore option not working

The problem is based upon a specific use case, which is as follows: 1) Go the end of list and load more data until the API returns an empty list 2) After that call refresh() and the layout will refresh but the issue is that after I call refresh()…
Ahmad Ali Nasir
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GridView getting cleared on back button pressed(While keyboard is visible)

The actual problem is, i load a grid from server, i have a search field at the top of the page,after searching suppose a list is shown, i have the keyboard present in the screen, but on clicking the back button yo hide the keyboard the whole…
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2 answers

infinite scroll duplicate ajax call

I'm having hard time figuring how to avoid duplicate ajax call for my infinite scroll javascript code. It mostly works but sometimes i have 2 or 3 times the same ajax page call causing a sort of loop. How to avoid this? Thanks //infiniteScroll var…
0 answers

Endless scroll on recycling view with kotlin

I have been trying to add "addonScrollListiner" in my kotlin code but it's giving me a null pointer exception. I have a fragment in which I have called API & populated data in my recycler view. override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater,…
Erum Malik
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