Questions tagged [eclipse-classpath]

Use this tag for problems with the Java Classpath when running in Eclipse.

When running normal Java programs in the Eclipse IDE the classpath must be configured in the project properties.

When developing Eclipse plug-ins the classpath is constructed from the information in the plug-in MANIFEST.MF file.

86 questions
5 answers

Eclipse- How to remove jars which are added "from class path" of referenced library

I use eclipse. I just added two jars into my project as library >Add external jar . As in below picture, all other jars in the folder are coming to my project as referenced library. How to remove this. Are these really required ? After I compiled,…
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1 answer

How to change Eclipse-Groovy plugin Groovy libraries?

I am using the newest version (2.8.0) of the Eclipse-Groovy plugin that ships with groovy-all-2.1.5.jar. I added Guice to my Groovy project, and when I go to run them from inside Eclipse I get the following error in the console output: Caught:…
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Postgres : No suitable Driver found for jdbc

I know this might be a possible duplicate of question posted here. Sorry for that.Here is the code i wrote for Database connection try{ Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) …
Abhishek Singh
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Is there a way to determine the order in which gradle dependencies (as in the Eclipse IDE) are ordered in the classpath (compile and runtime)?

I have a critical classpath order issue due to which I need to ensure a JAR 1 comes before JAR 2 in the classpath. Is there a way to enforce this in the GRADLE_DEPENDENCIES in the Eclipse IDE. Any insights into how the same can be achieved during…
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Order in which classLoader will load classes in this scenario

I added lombok to my java project in eclipse. It required me to add the last two lines in eclipse.ini file as…
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2 answers

Why i cant access the classes of my Eclipse plugin at Runtime?

I’m developing an Eclipse plugin, com.simple.plugin, with the following structure: The problem is that during runtime I cant access the classes of my own plugin. For example if I do the following code inside the Class cls =…
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6 answers

PDFBox is half available

I downloaded PDFBox 1.8.6 from Apache I then copied it into a 'res' folder I created at the root my Java/Eclipse project. I then right clicked on the project, went to properties, then into Java Build Path, then in Libraries, then I clicked on Add…
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2 answers

Buildship keeps overwriting .classpath

I'm using Gradle and Eclipse with the Buildship plugin. Buildship creates the .classpath file for Eclipse to use. I need one classpath entry (com.gwtplugins.gwt.eclipse.core.GWT_CONTAINER) to appear after the…
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3 answers

Eclipse not recognizing imports in same project

From time to time, Eclipse (Indigo) complains that certain classes in my projects cannot be resolved to a type. Even it shows the class in popup list, clicking import (see image) does not add the import statement! Even if I add it manually, it…
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1 answer

How can I import plugin projects from my workspace without specifying them?

I am developing an scripting environment for EMF and need to import the model plugin so that my script is able to use classes generated by the model, but in order to do that I need to explicitly add the plugin to my imports. Can I do that…
0 answers

Gradle plugin for eclipse luna updates classpath on every run

Recently i switched to eclipse luna along with gradle plugin for luna. But eclipse updates classpath for all my gradle prohects each time I launch eclipse. It may be a needed feature but is there a way to disable it? Or is it even normal for…
1 answer

Set classpath file programmatically Java

I want to set the path and the attribute's value of element in .classpath file of an existing java project. i.e. I have an eclipse plugin that need this path, and I want to fix it if the existing path is incorrect. for example, I…
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How to add an xml of a dependant project in eclipse

I currently having an applicationContext.xml of an existing project. I created a new junit -Java project in which I kept the previous project as dependent project. I created an xml -ApplictionContextjunit.xml for the junit project.The question is-…
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1 answer

Setting ClassPath commandline argument while running application in Eclipse

I am running Eclipse Mars.2 Release (4.5.2) and executing against Java JRE 1.8. I don't have admin rights on my machine so I am unable to set the ClassPath Environment Varibale. I was doing some reading on the Java Docs help page…
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Java project structure best practice in Eclipse

I am using Eclipse to do some Java programming. I am working with an agent-based modelling library, MASON, and GeoMASON which is an extension that adds support for shapefiles etc. I've been having a lot of problems trying to get the included example…
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