Questions tagged [buildpath]

This tag refers to build path settings for a Java project in Eclipse IDE. You can reach this option through the project properties (Project > Properties > Java Build Path) from the context menu on a created project or the File menu of the workbench.

This tag refers to build path settings for a Java project. You can reach this page through the project properties (Project > Properties > Java Build Path) from the context menu on a created project or the File menu of the workbench.

More info at Eclipse web site

397 questions
16 answers

How to set the java.library.path from Eclipse

How can I set the java.library.path for a whole Eclipse Project? I'm using a Java library that relies on OS specific files and need to find a .dll/ .so/ .jnilib. But the Application always exits with an error message that those files are not found…
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41 answers

Eclipse error: "The import XXX cannot be resolved"

I'm trying to work with Hibernate in Eclipse. I'm creating a new simple project and I've downloaded a collegue project too, via CVS. Both don't work, while on my collegue's Eclipse do. The problem is that, for each import of an Hibernate class,…
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6 answers

What is the difference between Class Path and Build Path

I'm confused with these two terms. Also what should I do to create a file under the src folder of a Spring MVC Project? When I create using a File object it creates the file inside C:\SpringSourceTool... I guess this is ClassPath right? How can I…
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8 answers

Android - R cannot be resolved to a variable

Possible Duplicate: R cannot be resolved - Android error I am having a issue which I have had before and I don't understand the cause. My project and code is fine as it was running yesterday. I have open Eclipse today and the whole project looks…
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5 answers

Android Studio Exclude Class from build?

I've been learning Android over the past few months and have been using Eclipse Juno as my IDE. I am trying to migrate to Android-Studio and wonder how I can "exclude from build path" some of the classes I have yet to complete? In Eclipse, it was…
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4 answers

Adding 3rd party jars to WEB-INF/lib automatically using Eclipse/Tomcat

I have a dynamic-web project set up on Eclipse and I'm using Tomcat 7 as my web server. It doesn't seem to be automatically putting 3rd party JARs I add to my library on my build path into the WEB-INF/lib folder. Is there a way I can do this…
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2 answers

What is the use of Order And Export tab in Java Build Path

What is the use of Order And Export tab in Java Build Path
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3 answers

How to reference javafx fxml files in resource folder?

I am creating a javafx GUI application and my project is a maven configured project. I want to be able to reference my fxml files like this in my controllers: FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("main.fxml"); Where my main.fxml file is located…
j will
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2 answers

ClassNotFoundException when using User Libraries in Eclipse build path

I'm using Eclipse 3.7 (STS) with Tomcat 7 running inside the IDE. I've created a new Dynamic Web project and added a single JSP file to the web content root folder. I can run Tomcat and access the JSP from within Eclipse with no problems. I've added…
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10 answers

The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

I have downloaded Eclipse and tried to create a sample servlet program but I got following error The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files I have configured build path…
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11 answers

Attach the Source in Eclipse of a jar

I added a Student.jar into my Build Path in my eclipse like this- Right click on the project->BuildPath->Configure Build Path->Libraries->Add External Jars There is one class named StudentTest in Student.jar file. When I was debugging my code in…
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6 answers

getting JRE system library unbound error in build path

getting a JRE system library unbound error in build path, tried all suggestions from the below links, however did not work. I have jdk 1.6.0_29, I have also tried to install other versions but no help. JRE System Library [WebSphere v6.1 JRE]…
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3 answers

Set Build path in Eclipse for ndk program

This error was shown when I build a android application program in Eclipse: 14:43:33 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project com.***.NDKDemo **** ndk-build all Cannot run program "ndk-build": Unknown reason Error: Program…
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7 answers

Eclipse Error: 'Setting build path' has encountered error

I am using an API called jtwitter. It has a single jar file jtwitter.jar I have been working with it and maintained it using git. I hosted the code in github. For somedays, i have not touched its code. Today, when i cloned my git repo (actually my…
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17 answers

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

I'm a beginner and learning spring and hibernate (utilizing maven in project)and came across this problem and got stuck here. tried finding solution but ended up no where. Please help. thanks a lot Error: "Can not find the tag library descriptor for…
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