Questions tagged [dynamic-ip]

62 questions
7 answers

Change IP address dynamically?

Consider the case, I want to crawl websites frequently, but my IP address got blocked after some day/limit. So, how can change my IP address dynamically or any other ideas?
Magendran V
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9 answers

How to exclude traffic in Google Analytics from Dynamic IP addresses?

Google's detection of Unusual traffic is nice. But how is it handling Dynamic IP addresses? For example,I do not have ranges of IPs and my ISP provides Dynamic IP which may change everytime my router reboots and it changes everyday. So here, when I…
Kalu Charan
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2 answers

Using HTTPS with a dynamic ip

My situation: I want to run a webserver on a device in an unknown network. Requests on port 80 or 443 will be forwarded to this device from the global ip. The device regularly posts its IP address to a server on the web and it is saved on this…
Agent T
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2 answers

AWS: dynamically allocate & associate new IP addresses to EC2 instance?

I am running some web crawling jobs on an AWS hosted server. The crawler scrapes data from an eCommerce website but recently the crawler gets "timeout errors" from the website. The website might have limited my visiting frequency based on my IP…
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Hosting a website on a PC using apache(Xampp)

This is what I learned by doing some searching. These things were taken from many places. Please point out any missing things. (I have not yet tried this out, just want to clarify what I'm going to do) For hosting I need to have a static IP. But my…
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create a client-server application in java where both machines can have Dynamic IP addresses

This is what I'm planning to do. Suppose there are 2 machines A and B. I need to create an application by which machine A can send data to Machine B, using Java SE. I know that to make a connection you need to create an object of serversocket class…
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2 answers

Are a page's images calculated as requests in Dynamic IP Restrictions?

Our site has performance issues, and spambots make it worse, so we decided to configure Dynamic IP Restrictions to allow only 5 concurrent requests (per one request per IP). My concern is that a single page may do many concurrent requests as it…
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1 answer

Google API Key for a dynamic IP server

I need to use the Google Places API through PHP in a Wordpress site hosted on Flywheel. It seems the option I need to use is the IP addresses (web servers, cron jobs, etc.). My problem is that flywheel has a dynamic IP address system and after a…
Juan Solano
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2 answers

Can I host Chat Server on Dynamic IP using Java Socket?

Investigating the Servlets I've created a simple chat and tested it on local IP - everything works. But when I tried to test it through the real network the connection refused - Connection refused: connect. Is the reason…
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2 answers

Restrict public web application access to specific dynamic source IP addresses

I'm developing a web application using Laravel hosting on a public cloud. Now, the application can be accessed publicly on the internet via domain address. However, I want to restrict to only users who are connecting to the organization networks to…
1 answer

How to connect Google Cloud SQL by SSL with database url?

Now I want to deploy a rails app to Google Container Engine. And use Google Cloud SQL as database. When I tried to connect Google Cloud SQL from Google Container Engine, I got this error: ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at…
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1 answer

Dynamic Ip Restriction on Runtime

I want to add/remove IP restriction on run time to a MVC 5 project. I did a search and found two ways. Change Dynamic Ip Restriction module on runtime. using System; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Web.Administration; internal static class…
Erkan Demirel
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1 answer

Improve DNS propagation by changing TTL

The public IP adress of my home is a dynamic IP and I need to access it from outdoors. I didn't want to use services like DynDns or NoIp so I made my own script. The script is executed each hour, basically it reads my public IP on, and…
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1 answer

How work with socket and hostnames in Java?

Recently I had to change my router, it was an Belking for one D-Link, my program worked it with my Belkin router but not now with the D-Link router. Here is my program: The client: package brainset.socket; import; import…
Valter Silva
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2 answers

Can I create a socket server in C# that has a dynamic IP?

As far as I know for a socket client to be able to connect to a socket server it needs to know the server's IP address. But what happens when the server is using a dynamic IP address? Is it possible to connect to the server in any other way (I…
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