Questions tagged [dropzone]

DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews. It is lightweight, does not depend on any other library (like jQuery)

438 questions
3 answers

Dropzone Submit Button on Upload

I want to add a button upload to my dropzone file uploader. currently it's uploading the file directly after selecting or dragging the file into the dropzone area. What I want to do is: 1. Select or drap file to be uploaded. 2. Validate 3. Hit or…
Gael Musi
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1 answer

Failed to construct 'FormData'

When I upload file in my dropzone, it do not work. Usually it's work very well, but since 1 month I have this JS Error : Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'FormData': parameter 1 is not of type 'HTMLFormElement'. That is the code, when I use…
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4 answers

How to manually trigger click for Dropzone (open select file dialog)

Dropzone only works on the element itself i have an SPAN tag inside my button, and when i click on the text it won't trigger click on parent element which dropzone is attached to. i tried the following but it doesn't…
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3 answers

How to destroy dropdzonejs?

How to destroy dropdzonejs? When I have SPA and leave the page, I want to clean up so it does not listen to body events anymore.
Victoria A
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1 answer

DropZone: How to Accept .csv Files?

I've read quite a few answers on SO about this, and most advise using the acceptedFiles property to specify the accepted mime types. However, the DropZone docs say: Mime type determination is not reliable across platforms. CSV files, for example,…
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2 answers

Best way to store file objects in React Redux store (files upload from DropZone?)

I am currently using Material Ui dropzone to upload multiple files. just wondering what is the best way to add/update files in the redux store. I am currently doing a dispatch action when "onChange" triggers which return all the files on the…
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1 answer

How do you use Dropzone.js with chunked file uploads (PHP only)?

I can find plenty of documentation on how to use the chunked file upload with various API's and libraries, but I am unable to find how to use Dropzone.js chunked file upload with just plain PHP. The documentation is very minimal. I cannot add any…
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1 answer

react dropzone cannot post with axios

I'm trying to use react-dropzone in my code and making a POST request to the server with axios, but the POST request always fails and I keep getting the following error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 500 This is my…
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1 answer

rename file option not working in dropzone.js

I've been trying to rename the filename before the upload in dropzone.js but I'm not able to make it work. This is my configuration: Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; Dropzone.options.myAwesomeDropzone = { url: url, paramName: "image", …
Marco Herrarte
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1 answer

Restrict Dropzone to upload only specific type of files

I am uploading files with Dropzone here is my code
Muhammad Umar
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1 answer

Dropzone Processing Queue not working on server side validation

I am using Laravel 5.8 and integrated dropzone in form.In my form i have post title unique validation on server side. Scenario of problem is 1.user will enter blog post title and add 5 images in dropzone. 2.then if the entered title already exist…
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1 answer

Does anyone know how to implement useDropzone hook and not (component) together with react-final-form

for example if i have const ImageInput = ({fieldPropsFromFinalForm}) => { const { getRootProps, getInputProps, open } = useDropzone({ onDrop, accept: 'image/jpeg, image/png' }); . . . return (
2 answers

Change Dropzone maxFiles Dynamically

I'm trying to dynamically update the MaxFiles property each time a new image is uploaded/deleted. By using the following code its not allowing any image to upload instead of limitize it to maxFiles. And it is not taking the value of the variable…
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1 answer

Dropzone removing uploaded file manually

I'm building a form which uses dropzone to upload files. I can able to upload a file easily . I also added an option to remove an uploaded file by using , addRemoveLinks: true But it removes the file in the preview pane only , but not in server…
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1 answer

Dropzone and webpack encore

I'm trying and integration of dropzone in my Symfony 4.1 project, but I'm in trouble. I add dropzone to my project via npm: npm install dropzone. In assets/app.js, I require dropzone: 'use strict'; require('../css/app.css'); // create global $ and…
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