Questions tagged [dropzone]

DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews. It is lightweight, does not depend on any other library (like jQuery)

438 questions
1 answer

Laravel 7 Vue Dropzone - Unable to display images from storage. Filename not getting uploaded to phpmyadmin

I have successfully loaded the supplied image to the storage in the public folder within the images folder via Dropzone js. I am unclear on how to upload the reference to my phpmyadmin SQL database. If I hard code it into the db, I can see it…
1 answer

PHP Not Passing Variables to Insert?

Any idea why this wouldn't pass PO, AP, and Facility to the SQL insert statement? I tested with literal values and it works otherwise when I run query to look for the values.l I'm at a loss, help?
Felix Reyes
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0 answers

DropZone js remove the "Remove File" link

DropZone js how to remove the "Remove File" link from the first file.Example
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