Questions tagged [drools]

Drools is a business-rule management system (BRMS) with a forward-chaining-inference-based rules engine, more correctly known as a production rule system, using an enhanced implementation of the Rete algorithm.

The Business Logic integration Platform provides a unified and integrated platform for Rules, Workflow and Event Processing. It's been designed from the ground up so that each aspect is a first-class citizen, with no compromises.

3669 questions
7 answers

Drools:stateless vs stateful knowledge session

What is difference between stateless and stateful knowledge sessions.I read some documents both are maintained state.But when can i use stateless/stateful knowledge sessions.
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1 answer

Check for specific element in a list in Drools

I just have started using Drools (version 5.1.0) so please bear with me in case this question was already answered. I have a java.util.List object which contains objects of complex type A, with A as: class A { String name; String Value;} The…
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1 answer

Drools support in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm trying to use IntelliJ IDEA with legacy project with Drools files but I'm not successful in this. I added Drools framework to the module with *.drl files and... nothing. I can't reformat *.drl files, don't have any navigation, no code completion…
Andriy Kryvtsun
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5 answers

Drools testing with junit

What is the best practice to test drools rules with junit? Until now we used junit with dbunit to test rules. We had sample data that was put to hsqldb. We had couple of rule packages and by the end of the project it is very hard to make a good test…
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1 answer

What is Drools Kie?

I need help in KIE API. Need to know that what it is and is there any tutorial available to use Drools KIE. Is kie part of drools-6.x ? And if it is part of drools-6.x then what will be the effect on applications using Drool-5.5 running JBPM5.4, and…
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3 answers

What are the myths about rules engine?

I'm writing a presentation about rule engine technology, specifically JBoss Drools. What are some of the 'myths' about rule engines. One I can think of is that it allows business users to control the rule engine, I believe it is possible, but it…
Steven Herod
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1 answer

Compile drools guided decision table into rules

I am wondering how I could use a guided decision table from the Drools Workbench inside a Java application using the drools runtime. The idea is that a user would work defining rules, processes and some decision tables in the workbench, which will…
Kevin Chabot
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6 answers

Is there any API in drools to create the drl files dynamically by just passing values?

I know how to create DRL files inside KIE workbench by using all the methods. But what my problem is without using the KIE workbench, can we create the .drl file by using our required values.If any possibility is there please suggest me. Same way…
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3 answers

Is drools the same as jrules?

Is there a difference between Drools and Jrules? Is Jboss rules the same thing as Jrules? What type of environments typically use Drools?
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3 answers

Decision trees and rule engines (Drools)

In the application that I'm working on right now, I need to periodically check eligibility of tens of thousands of objects for some kind of a service. The decision diagram itself is in the following form, just way larger: In each of the end nodes…
John Manak
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1 answer

Best practices for using Drools Expert/Flow in a Web Application

I'm currently teaching myself Drools Expert/Flow as well as GWT. I want to use Drools Flow as an event/command bus and business rule engine to achieve loose coupling between different parts of the application. So far I've gotten both Expert and Flow…
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5 answers

Should I use Drools in this situation?

I'll use a university's library system to explain my use case. Students register in the library system and provide their profile: gender, age, department, previously completed courses, currently registered courses, books already borrowed, etc. Each…
Tong Wang
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3 answers

Loading Drools/KIE Workbench artifacts directly from the repository

We try to switch to Drools 6 with the all new KIE workbench (formerly known as Guvnor) and the new maven-based artifacts. Now I'd like to use the the system described in this blog post in the second image ("Deployment"): Loading the rules via HTTP…
Dominik Sandjaja
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4 answers

Is Drools the most efficient way to map business rules / logic?

In our project we have to implement business logic regarding mapping of certain objects to some actions. We will have a series of conditions for specific types of objects to be verified before a certain action finally gets resolved. In other words…
Marcin Grzejszczak
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2 answers

Drools disable a rule at runtime

I'm starting a project whith Drools and Drools Guvnor. My rules are deployed in drools guvnor. My rule engine instance can access those rules via the pkg file exposed by drools Guvnor when you do a package release build and release. This is all…
Frederic Close
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