Questions tagged [double-click-advertising]

DoubleClick is a Google own company provider online advertising services.

DoubleClick is a provider of online advertising services. They provide libraries to embed ads within a web page, questions should be about integration with these libraries.

180 questions
2 answers

Interstitial DFP ad doesn't fill the screen

I try to integrate interstitial after the launchscreen of my application (iOS). It's working as expected with ads provided by Google for testing. My problem is to create my own creatives. As there are only 4 authorized sizes for interstitials…
1 answer

Multiple googletag.display() with Same Id

Assuming I've correctly defined a google ad: googletag.defineSlot(adUnitPath, size, "ad-id-goes-here") If I use multiple instances of the following code (googletag.display() with the same id) on one page:
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How to create dfp native ad unit id for android

i want to create DFP native unit id for my android app. I searched alot but unable to find best way to create working dfp native unitId . if someone know then please help me
Narayan soni
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DoubleClick for Publishers "Ad unit did not render."

As I am completely newbie this issue will be probably an easy one for others. My ads are not displayed on the web (various banners, multiple places, none shown). On the I expect 2 banners to be displayed on the right, but…
Adam Bubela
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1 answer

Call a DoubleClick Bid Manager API

I am writing my first Google APIs Winforms application and I'm unable to figure out how to make an API call. The example in this google "get started" documentation is not helping a lot. I have a Client ID and secret and have authorized my app…
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Prevent smaller ad creative from showing in larger ad slot

I'm having a 300x250 size creative show in a 300x600 ad slot. The header call defines only one size, 300x600 like so: googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/website_300x600', [300, 600], 'website_300x600').addService(googletag.pubads()); And the ad unit…
Garry Wong
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how can I check for length of the url string of a google DFP call?

I need to pass a bunch of custom parameters into a Google DFP ad call. If the ad request is over 2,000 characters, some parameters passed into it get truncated. I would like to know how many characters the current call would take and manually…
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How can I serve ads in an email newsletter via Double-Click for Publishers?

I'm serving ads via Double-Click for Publishers Small Business, and wish to include the ad in an HTML newsletter. DfP's support site says "ad serving to newsletters is not officially supported by DoubleClick". How can I get DfP to work within an…
1 answer

Deactivating DoubleClick via Google Analytics

I am working on a task to block certain trackers and cookies based on user selection for GDPR purposes. The trackers are set into 3 categories, Essential, Advertising and Marketing. We treat Google Analytics and Essential and Google DoubleClick as…
0 answers

What happens when I load gtag.js twice on my web page?

I use both GA and DCM for tracking events on my webpage. I dynamically create a scripts tag to load gtag.js on my webpages based on some criteria. Now i have a situation when certain criteria matches i have to load only GA and for some other…
0 answers

How to get DV360 (DoubleClick Bid Manager API) report data by Python?

I am trying to fetch the data from DV360 (DoubleClick Bid Manager API). I am able to fetch the meta data of the reports but I am unable to get the data of the report. I am trying to use Python but still unsuccessful. So far i am trying to follow…
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get line item id of loaded AMP Ads

So, GPT provides a function in its API getResponseInformation() that can be used to get info about the loaded ad such as lineItemId, advertiserId, campaignId, creativeId, etc. This function when used in tandem with the SlotRenderEndedEvent is very…
0 answers

Why does every single Doubleclick ad load the same amp4ads JavaScript files?

We have 3 or 4 Google / Doubleclick ads on our website per page. Every single one of the ads on a single page is loading 'amp4ads-v0.js' (54 KB) and 'amp-analytics-01.js' (40 KB). This is adding significant load time for our users, especially…
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How to get execution time of third party jquery library function in own jquery file

I want to get third party function execution time in own script. Because i want to break execution if this function take more then 2 sec.Please help if any one have any idea or suggestion to achieve the same. I am using this code :--