Questions tagged [double-click-advertising]

DoubleClick is a Google own company provider online advertising services.

DoubleClick is a provider of online advertising services. They provide libraries to embed ads within a web page, questions should be about integration with these libraries.

180 questions
26 answers

failed to load ad : 3

I'm setting an ad to my Android application using DoubleClick and can't manage to show the final ad, can someone help me? When I test an ad by adding ".addTestDevice("xxx...")" I get the test ad but when I remove this line I get the following error…
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3 answers

How to properly write a DFP out of page ad unit?

I am developing a javascript-rendered mobile web interstitial. The layout is fully responsive, hence it will take 100% of the provided screen\iframe. I now wish to display the interstitial through DFP. At first I created a sized ad unit (320x480)…
3 answers

Google Ads solution for PWA/SPA?

I've made a single page app via Angular, and plan to also make it a progressive web app in the next few days. I recently realized that Google AdSense apparently doesn't like SPAs and my application has been denied twice. My app is a tool that…
5 answers

Disable third party cookies using JavaScript

I am working to implement the new cookie policy compliance as per data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU according to which user has to be able to refuse/accept all but required cookies when he is using any website. In my…
1 answer

App crashes when displaying an advertisement on OnePlus 6

We've published an app in the Google Play store which has the possibility to show advertisements from Google DoubleClick for Publishers. On certain advertisements the app crashes on the OnePlus 6. We do not get a stacktrace in our crash reporting,…
1 answer

Prebid Example Does Not Work When Running on Local Dev Server

TL;DR: Is it possible to test Prebid header bidding with Prebid.js v1.6.0 with a locally running web server? I have created a library for integrating Prebid header bidding into web applications built with React. It works fine using Prebid 0.34.6 and…
Patrick Hund
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Google IMA VAST Tracking Macros

I am currently in the progress of writing a Google IMA-like implementation because IMA is not supported on various platforms I am working with. When IMA sends tracking events, it replaces certain macro's in URLs. See the [XXXXX] values in the url…
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2 answers

Google DFP - Resize SafeFrame custom creative outer Iframe container from inside (expand ad)

i'm searching for solution, that can expand SafeFrame custom ad from inside of custom creative in Google DFP, is that possible somehow?
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0 answers

Getting started with AMP and RTC as a vendor

I would like to develop and endpoint to support callouts from AMP page as defined in Describe the new feature or change to an existing feature you'd like to…
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DoubleClick Offline Conversion API Deleting on duplicate records?

Trying to use the DoubleClick API with the Google Client PHP SDK described here I'm finding that instead of an update happening, these conversions are being removed…
1 answer

How to retrieve IDFA/AdID for use in dc_rdid attribute using PHP or JS?

I'm trying to publish a client's ad to our site (an "HTML5 ad" presented in an iFrame; we are hosting the HTML). The ad instructions indicate: The publisher needs to insert device IDs into dc_rdid to enable in-app conversion tracking. The value…
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1 answer

Looking for a sample doubleclick ad serve logs for BigQuery analysis

I'm building a BigQuery application and am looking for a sample data set from Double Click for Publishers. Specifically, ad serve logs in CSV for a sample period including Clicks, Impressions, and ActiveViews. Has anyone come across a sample along…
2 answers

Create Campaigns, set bids and buy adds from DoubleClick Bid Manager API

Is it possible with the Google DoubleClick Bid Manager API to create campaigns, set bids and buy adds?, I have checked the documentation and it seems that there are limited endpoints. These are all the available endpoints according to the…
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2 answers

Doubleclickbid manager api using service account

I am try to access dbm api , I am authenticating the url using service account please find the sample code below from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials from apiclient.discovery import build from httplib2 import…
1 answer

In the OpenRTB bid requests, is "bundle" unique to an app?

I am looking at multple openRTB specs, for example from MoPub. They have a bundle field in their bid request. Bundle is a number 123456 for an iOS app, or package name for an android app like package.bundle.apname. Is this "bundle" unique to an…
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