Questions tagged [domain-data-modelling]

23 questions
1 answer

Is there a visual modeling tool / language or style which supports Scala profile?

[Similarly sounding question currently active on SO is " Is there a visual modeling language or style for the functional programming paradigm? " which is different then this question because another is focusing only on Functional programming…
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3 answers

Grails Domain Class : hasOne, hasMany without belongsTo

I am new to Grails. Can I use "hasOne" or "hasMany" without using "belongsTo" to another domain-class? Thanks in advance.
1 answer

best way to create domain design model?

UPDATE: what i am looking is should i go create each classes seprately instead of adding getter/setter prop in the class, what i mean by that is: so in order to create a Visit i should have the following prop in VISIT VisitName, Purpose, StartDate,…
Nick Kahn
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Party Role and Bounded Context

I am trying to use the Party Place Thing and Role archetypes from Java Modelling in Color. Further i am also try incorporate DDD best practices, Now assume that we have 1 Person who plays 2 roles say Customer and Patient in my application. The…
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Is this the correct way to instantiate an object with dependencies from within a Domain Model?

I'm trying to avoid ending up with an anaemic Domain Model, so I'm attempting to keep as much logic as possible within the domain model itself. I have a method called AddIngredient, which needs to add a new KeyedObject to my Recipe Aggregate. As the…
2 answers

DDD - Modelling User with contact information that must be unique across the system

I need some clarification on modelling a user for Identity and access domain. The user domain model has a contact information entity (entity because it is mutable), the customer can register with a phone number, but can choose to change it when…
Somasundaram Sekar
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What's the correct way of accessing reference data in this Domain Data Modelling scenario?

Initial Warning: Long post and I might have got the pattern totally wrong anyway: Given the following class which is the start of the Customer Aggregate: public class Customer : KeyedObject { public Customer(int customerId) { …
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Domain Model Association Lazy Loading

I'm currently facing the problem of handling the associations between the entities in the aggregate. Consider following example: Right now, we have a ,,User" Entity, which is also my aggregate root. He can have exactly one ,,Product" associated to…
2 answers

trading: how do you declare `Indicator` interface

I've tried to ask this question at "quantitive finance" but it seems this is better place because the question more about programing than trading How do you declare Indicator interface? What would be the correct way to model an "Indicator"? I'm…
Oleg Vazhnev
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Trying to avoid a fact to fact relationship

I am trying to avoid a fact to fact relationship but in this case it seems hard: For several customers (DIM_Customer) we receive emails (FACT_email), Calls (FACT_CALL) etc. Now the emails and calls may have Surveys. Each Survey is unique for a…
1 answer

Modelling a collection of records that act as as a group

I'm looking for orientation for either a concrete or abstract approach in Ruby-Like (Rails 4/5) to model the following requirement or user story: Given a model, let's call it PurchaseOrder with the following…
1 answer

Domain modelling: Doing it right

Having seen Jimmy Bogard's excellent video on crafting wicked domains, I tried to apply the same principles to one of my existing projects to evaluate how well i have grasped the concept. I have my queries and doubts listed below. Domain Background:…
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Surrogate Key as a attribute of a Dimension

In data modelling is it acceptable for a dimension to have a surrogate key to another dimension as an attribute or should this always be a business key? I have an Item dimension, which has a Department Number as an attribute. I also have a…
0 answers

Rails association for a direct association and a 'through' association

I'm trying to get my head around the best association strategy for the following type of scenario in rails: An owner has many samples (these can be individual or as a member of a sample set). An owner has many sample sets. A sample set has many…
1 answer

VisualStudio Architecture Modelling - how to export as an image?

I've generated a very large model that I need to put in a Technical Document. It wont fit its to big, over 8000 nodes and over 32000 links. I've tried screenshot tools but they only do vertical scrolling, not both horizontal and vertical to get the…