Questions tagged [repository-design]

91 questions
6 answers

Subversion Repository Layout

Most subversion tools create a default repository layout with /trunk, /branches and /tags. The documentation also recommends not using separate repositories for each project, so that code can be more easily shared. Following that advice has led to…
Tim Long
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Mercurial with multiple projects

I have a couple of projects with different release cycles sitting in my SVN repository. Releases are created by using the classic tags structure in SVN. When there are bugs to fix in releases a branch is created from a tag, the bug is fixed and then…
Tobias Hertkorn
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1 answer

Best Practice for Git Repositories with multiple projects in traditional n-tier design

I'm making the switch from a centralized SCM system to GIT. OK, I'll admit which one, it is Visual SourceSafe. So in addition to getting over the learning curve of Git commands and workflow, the biggest issue I'm currently facing is how to migrate…
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Repository Pattern Best Practice

So I'm implementing the repository pattern in an application and came across two "issues" in my understanding of the pattern: Querying - I've read responses that IQueryable should not be used when using repositories. However, it's obvious that…
Jason N. Gaylord
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Is there a preferred path where I should initialise my Git repo on Mac OS X?

Where should I be building my repos? My tutorial repos went to root, but I thought since I would have a test of my production site, that I should build them in ~/sites/. It might seem trivial, but most introductions to Git I've seen don't really…
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How do I track "dot" configuration files in my home directory with git?

I have a number of "dot" files in my home directory that I'd like to track with git - e.g. .pryrc, .zshrc, etc. I want to have a remote repository for these files so that a) there is an easy way to recover my configuration settings should I lose my…
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Handling entity updates from a mapped object

I have my code first, SQL data models (using EF Core 1.1) that are used to model my schema/tables. However I also have domain objects which are partial or full mapped versions of these SQL data models, in essence they sort of have the same shape as…
2 answers

How to synchronize Git Repositories across 2 Servers

I'm looking for a way to automatically synchronize Git repositories across (2) servers so they are interchangeable from a third point. Situation is as follows: We heavily use git for all our projects, and some of the Repositories grow quite fast in…
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"Layering" git repository

I'm using git on a daily basis for a while now, and this time I've run into a problem which I could describe like this. I have a repository which holds entire website structure, and web root is in the root of the repository. Everything was fine…
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Symfony Doctrine entity manager and repository

I understand the benefit or repository pattern but I just can't understand in Symfony3 Doctrine there are Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager and \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository What are the difference between the two? Is repository should be injected to…
1 answer

Is it a good idea to wrap my DbContext in a Unit of Work class?

I am trying to implement Unit of Work/Repository pattern in my MVC Web application. Since DbContext itself is a unit of work, I want to mix it with my own UOW for testing and decoupling purposes (decoupling business layer from EF). Is it then a good…
6 answers

SVN Repository Structure

I am getting ready to set up an SVN repository, and was wondering if anyone had a good example for a repo structure. I am currently thinking: Development .. Applications .... App1 ...... trunk ...... branches ...... tags .. Database …
Nick Vaccaro
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3 answers

Dependency Inject for models

I'm sure someone has asked this before, but I'm struggling to find where. I'm using Ninject to remove dependencies from my controllers, along with a repository design pattern. As I understand it, one of the benefits of this approach is that I can…
2 answers

Dispose method in web api 2 web service

I am coding an MVC 5 internet application with a web api 2 web service. Do I need a dispose method for the DbContext class in a web service? It is not there as default.
1 answer

Understanding the basic naming scheme of the Android source code repository

I just downloaded the full 4.0.1_r1 Android Source Code repository according to the official instructions. Can someone help me understand the repository's basic naming scheme? For example, in the root directory of the repository, what exactly is…
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