Questions tagged [devops]

This tag is for programming questions about DevOps ("development" and "operations"), which is a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration, integration, automation, and measurement of cooperation between software developers and other IT professionals. Non-programming related questions should be asked on the DevOps Stack Exchange site.

DevOps acknowledges the interdependence of software development, quality assurance, and IT operations, and aims to help an organization rapidly produce software products and services and to improve operations performance.

Venn diagram

DevOps integration targets product delivery, quality testing, feature development, and maintenance releases in order to improve reliability and security and provide faster development and deployment cycles. Many of the ideas (and people) involved in DevOps came from the enterprise systems management and Agile software development movements.

The adoption of DevOps is being driven by factors such as:

  • Use of agile and other development processes and methodologies
  • Demand for an increased rate of production releases from application and business unit stakeholders
  • Wide availability of virtualized and cloud infrastructure from internal and external providers
  • Increased usage of data center automation and configuration management tools

The goals of the DevOps workflow are best described as The three ways of DevOps

  1. Work flows from Business->Development->Operations->Customer as fast possible
  2. Increasing the feedback loops from Business<-Development<-Operations<-Customer
  3. Using fast feedback to build a culture of continuous experimentation and learning

While programming questions about DevOps are on-topic here, other questions should be asked on the DevOps Stack Exchange site.

Dev ops: WikiPedia

What is DevOps?

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