Questions tagged [desktop-bridge]

Windows 10 Desktop Bridge platform and tooling allows developers to take advantage of UWP features and package as a Windows app.

The Windows 10 Desktop Bridge platform and tooling helps developers of Win32 and .NET applications to take advantage of the modern app deployment technology and new UWP features, by packaging their apps as a Windows app package, and providing access to the UWP app model.

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448 questions
1 answer

"Swing-Shell" java.lang.InternalError: Could not initialize COM: HRESULT=0x80010106

I have a Java 9 app that I'm trying to package for the Windows Store. The strange thing is that it works as expected when I run the exe-launcher directly, but I get the following strange error when I run the launcher via the APPX package: Exception…
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4 answers

Error while creating app package with "fullTrustProcess" pointing to a executable

I am trying to deploy the sample application for bridging AppServices with a UWP application. The sample runs and builds just fine but when I try to follow the guide to package the whole thing it gives me an error. Link to the packaging…
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2 answers

UWP appx package Signtool "Error: SignerSign() failed." (-2147024885/0x8007000b)

EDIT Event log error was this: error 0x8007000B: The app manifest publisher name (CN=...) must match the subject name of the signing certificate (CN={19BE29DF-4812-4F2E-8FC1-A138B146946A}). The command below now seems to work. So either user…
5 answers

Communication between UWP and Non UWP app

Is it possible to have communication between uwp and non uwp apps. My non-uwp is a background task which provides a service. I want to call that non-uwp service in uwp app. How to make that call? Is AppServiceConnection class available in non-uwp…
2 answers

Why is it said that WinRT replaces the Windows API

In almost every text about the new WinRT API I came to statements like "WinRT is the new API for Windows and replaces the old Win32 API". Since WinRT aims the development Windows Store apps, this statement to me does not seem to hold true. There are…
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How to access Windows.Services.Store namespace from a Win32 app converted to UWP with the "Project Centennial converter" to enable in-app purchases?

I have a native C++/MFC app that is developed in VS 2008, no .NET stuff, that I converted into a UWP app using the Project Centennial converter. So now I have an .appx package that runs in Windows 10 v 1607 as a UWP app. My next goal is to add…
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3 answers

UWP App Communication with Windows Service

We are fixing to re-architect an application and are debating whether or not it is possible to use UWP instead of an ordinary WPF application. Our application needs the ability the access the entire filesystem and all system resources. This is an…
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Using C++/WinRT dll in WPF with elevated rights application

I have got WPF c# server application (WCF) and want to use c++/WinRT dynamic library inside it. I can simply do this by using UWP desktop bridge with WPF app and UWP empty app that includes my dll. This works fine for applications without elevated…
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1 answer

Windows Store doesn't let to submit app with runFullTrust

I've tried to submit app for Windows store, but after review it was declined with this notification: Desktop Bridge Apps: 98 Restricted Capability Notes To Developer You do not have approval to use the following restricted capabilities: …
2 answers

How to launch a full-trust (desktop bridge) app from UWP with arbitrary parameters

Is it possible for a UWP app to launch its Desktop Bridge (full-trust application component) with arbitrary command-line arguments? I see the ability to specify "argument groups" (see…
3 answers

Error File 'MakePri.exe' not found

In Visual Studio 2017, I am building Class Library(Portable) which targets both .Net 4.6 and Windows Universal Application 10.0. While building the application, below error is thrown. Error  File 'MakePri.exe' not found. See…
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Mysterious error running makepri for Windows Universal App's Desktop Bridge

I've been trying to wrap WPF app inside a Windows Universal App, using Desktop Bridge. In order to make the app's taskbar icon unplated, with transparent background, I followed the instructions that can be found in various blogs and MSDN…
Yoav Feuerstein
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3 answers

Can a Java Swing desktop application be converted to a UWP centennial app (AppX)?

I have been reading about project centennial (, and it occurs to me that there are many legacy line-of-business apps that are written…
Daniel Ball
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1 answer

Send speech recognition args.Result as parameter in UWP desktop-bridge package

I'm trying to figure out, if it is possible send using Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition; args.Result.Text as parameter from UWP to Console application. For example by following scenario I'm sending TextToSpeech(args.Result.Text); with…
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2 answers

Startup apps don't start until logging off and on

Solved. (See my answer.) I have a couple of startup apps using the desktop bridge. In the past they used to work fine. Now, probably after some Windows update, after a reboot they don't start when I first log on, and don't even appear in the startup…
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