Questions tagged [desktop-bridge]

Windows 10 Desktop Bridge platform and tooling allows developers to take advantage of UWP features and package as a Windows app.

The Windows 10 Desktop Bridge platform and tooling helps developers of Win32 and .NET applications to take advantage of the modern app deployment technology and new UWP features, by packaging their apps as a Windows app package, and providing access to the UWP app model.

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448 questions
1 answer

Trying to install UWP DesktopAppConverter gets "Access is Denied"

The Windows Store is unable to install the Desktop Converter on build 14393 here. It starts and gets an error 0x80073CF9. It seems to be only that, as I can download other apps fine. So I am trying to install it from the zip file. I have copied the…
Mitch Match
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Deploy an WPF project to Windows store

I'm reading about Project Centennial as I'm studying how to deploy my WPF application through the Windows Store I understand I have to input the binaries or a supported installer to have the APPX package in output. I guess I'm missing something as…
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Get Store licensing-status in "Centennial" Winforms app

In a Winforms app converted into a uwp app (Centennial) - how can the app check for the licensing status? In UWP I can use CurrentApp.LicenseInformation but that's under Windows.ApplicationModel.Store, and I can't find that in the Add Reference to…
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Get protocol activation args in "Project Centennial" app

How can I access the protocol activation arguments in a Winforms app that's converted into a UWP app? The problem is that the OnActivated method is absent so I can't get the IActivatedEventArgs.
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Installation Failed after creating UWP with Desktop App Converter

I decided to have another crack at converting my tool ( to a windows store app using the Desktop App Converter. Things I did this time: 1) Force-updated my machine to the anniversary update. 2)…
1 answer

Desktop App Converter does not capture regitryes under HKCU

I have a MSI file which adds some entries under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software hive. It seems that the App Converter totally ignores them. Tee registries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE are detected ok. Has anyone encountered this issue? Maybe a…
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1 answer

Desktop App to UWP using Desktop App Converter

I have desktop application and want to convert it to an uwp application. I use desktop app converter with powershell. I am trying to convert my startup projects exe, but everytime i try execution stops at Running Installer in Isolated…
1 answer

Can the UWP applications scan the disk?

As shown in title. we know that the data recovery applications would scan the disk and get information about disk partitions, but in UWP, the access to file system is limited, as the link descriped…
0 answers

xxx.Mutex is denied exception occurs in LiteDb when using in UWP application in Shared connection

I am using Desktop bridge (UWP+WPF) in my UWP application. For managing data from both applications, LiteDb is used in Shared connection mode. But using LiteDb in Shared mode is raising an exception in the UWP application. Code to reproduce issue in…
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How do I update programatically a WinForms app which is always running, deployed with msix?

I have an app that is configured to run at startup. It doesn't have a UI, it goes to the system tray and do its stuff all day while the user is logged in. The app should be updated automatically without the user even notice, I don't want to disturb…
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Detecting MSIX packaged application at runtime

I have WPF application packaged as MSIX but the same code can also be packaged as ClickOnce or working without any package as portable. What would be the best way to detect at runtime which packaging technology (if any) is used? EDIT: I will try to…
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Correct Data Protection Declaration

I have an app that is to be released onto the Microsoft Store. Because it uses the restricted Capability AppDiagnostics, I am required to provide a URL to a Data Protection URL. But my app does not have any Internet capabilities, so as far as I know…
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Cannot compile the generated code. Please inspect the generated code via this exception's SourceCode property

I installed my private application which makes use of the Desktop Bridge and Dev Express XAF Winforms, from the Windows Store. Then I uninstalled it using powershell Remove-AppxPackage -Package *jobtalk* Now when I try to reinstall from the store…
Kirsten Greed
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2 answers

How to make a Windows Store package for Insider builds only?

I am trying to give Windows Insider users a different version of my app. In Package.appxmanifest I specify:
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2 answers

Using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Nuget package causes WACK to fail

I am planning to publish my WPF app in Microsoft Store using Desktop Bridge. App is using .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn"). My problem is that the app is currently failing 2 WACK tests. Fail 1: Debug configuration. Error Found: The debug…
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