Questions tagged [deferred-shading]

38 questions
1 answer

Deferred Rendering with Tile-Based culling Concept Problems

EDIT: I'm still looking for some help about the use of OpenCL or compute shaders. I would prefer to keep using OGL 3.3 and not have to deal with the bad driver support for OGL 4.3 and OpenCL 1.2, but I can't think of anyway to do this type of…
3 answers

Reconstructing world coordinates from depth buffer and arbitrary view-projection matrix

I'm trying to reconstruct 3D world coordinates from depth values in my deferred renderer, but I'm having a heck of a time. Most of the examples I find online assume a standard perspective transformation, but I don't want to make that assumption. In…
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How to implement light occlusion in deferred shading system?

I am implementing a deferred shading system which uses the compute shader(in DirectX 11) to cull lights in tiles, so I can get thousands of lights at a stable framerate.The problem comes when I have to determine whether a light is blocked by scene…
ulak blade
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Resolution of multi-sampled frame-buffer with multiple color attachments

Trying to implement Anti-aliasing on top of deferred shading, I'm attempting to use multi-sampled render buffers and then resolve the samples with a buffer-blit pass. As is traditional in deferred shading, I am rendering the scene with a dedicated…
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OpenGL GBuffer normals and depth buffer issues

I finally got my GBuffer working (well not really) but now I have some strange issues with it and i can't find out why. When I draw the Normal texture to screen, the normals are always showing to me (blue color always pointing to camera). I don't…
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Is there a faked antialiasing algorithm using the depth buffer?

Lately I implemented the FXAA algorithm into my OpenGL application. I haven't understand this algorithm completely by now but I know that it uses contrast data of the final image to selectively apply blurring. As a post processing effect that makes…
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Making position buffer for deferred rendering - noise in the generated textures

I'm trying to implement deferred shading for the first time but I'm having trouble generating the buffers. I've started trying to make just the position buffer so here is the relative code: glGenFramebuffers(1,…
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OpenGL Deferred Pixelated Lighting

I'm working on a 3-pass deferred lighting system for a voxel game, however I am having problems with pixelated lighting and ambient occlusion. The first stage renders the color, position and normal of each pixel on the screen into separate textures.…
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Multiple Render Targets (MRT) and OSG

Folks, I have studied about FBO, RTT and MRT to include this feature in my application, however I faced with some problems/doubts I did not find answers/tips during my search. Follows below the description of my scenario. I´ll be grateful if anyone…
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Tiled deferred shading without compute shader

I'm building a deferred renderer and since I want to support a large amount of lights in the scene I've had a look at tiled deferred shading. The problem is that I have to target OpenGL 3.3 hardware and it doesn't support GLSL compute shaders. Is…
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Deferred Shading and attenuation

Recently I added deferred shading support in my engine; however I ran into some attenuation issues: As you can see, when I'm rendering the light volume (sphere), it doesn't blend nicely with the ambient part of the image ! Here is how I declare my…
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Are there any Order-Independent Transparency techniques suitable for deferred shading?

I've surveyed a number of order-independent transparency methods for my OpenGL engine, and at first I thought I would like to use weighted average blending, to maximize speed. However, my engine uses deferred shading, and I need to take this into…
Haydn V. Harach
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Reconstructing position from depth buffer - missing Z?

I'm implementing deferred shading in my OpenGL app, and rather than waste waaay too much memory storing position information, I want to reconstruct the view-space position in the fragment shader using information from the depth buffer. It appears…
Haydn V. Harach
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A Point Light in Opengl Deferred lighting is ~ 180 degrees?

I am trying to make a simple deferred lighting scene in OpenGL, but the problem after the implementation of a 1 point light I got a 180 degree lighted surface : screenshot 1 : screenshot 2 : Here is my code : Material…
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Point light Dual-paraboloid VSM in deferred rendering

I've been following this tutorial to implement my variance shadow mapping feature for point light in deferred rendering. I'm using GLSL 3.3, left-handed coordinate system. Here is what I've been doing: I render the scene to dual-paraboloid maps,…
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