Questions tagged [data-transform]

Data transformation is the process of converting data from one format or structure into another format or structure. This can range from a simple transformation like transforming a comma-separated list to a line-break-separated list to complex transformations like speech-to-text. Strategies and technologies used can vary widely based on the complexity, volume, format and structure of the data being transformed.

152 questions
4 answers

Transforming Matrix in R

I currently face issues transforming the matrix to the format below. How do I achieve this in R in the easiest way? Ideally, I would like to use the second matrix as a data frame. Many thanks in advance! Estonia Germany Poland Estonia 0 …
1 answer

Generate periodic time series of active ID based on the open ID time and close ID time

I have a tibble such that for each row contains the open date and close date for an ID. Given these 2 information, I should be able to extract how many IDs were active on each week, how many were closed on each week, and the rate of growth of active…
Afiq Johari
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Why the error "factor level [2] is duplicated" will occur?

I tried to convert the month variable (which is an integer) into a categorical variable using factor(month), but I failed because of the error. How could I solve it? This is my…
Jing Xu
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0 answers

Data transformation with and without Min-max scaling

I am trying to test Tukey's Bulging Rule or Ladder of Powers (Ref Image). I discovered that I am able to reproduce the transformation (from right skewed to less right-skewed OR left skewed to less left-skewed) only if I scale my data. I chose…
3 answers

Convert list into dataframe using tags as the values of a new column (with R)

I have a list like this: require(tidyverse) months <- c("january", "february", "march", "october", "december") weekdays <- c("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday") seasons <- c("Summer", "Winter", "Fall", "autumn") timeWords_list <- tibble::lst(months, …
2 answers

Pandas: from adjacency matrix to series of node lists

I have which I think is a pretty general problem. Namely, to recast a bipartite adjacency matrix in a list of a list of nodes. In Pandas, that would mean transform from a specific pd.DataFrame format to a specific pd.Series format. For non…
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1 answer

How to transpose a table in Power BI from Row to Column

I am having trouble structuring my PowerBI data in the required format. I am attaching the data structure below. My Data Structure: Required Output Structure:
Jithu K
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1 answer

Transform dataframe data in R

I have a dataframe in R of data look likes this: and I want to transform the table to this What is the fastest way to do it in R? Here is how I did it, but I admit that it's very long method_vec <- c(rep("PCA", 6), rep("Specter", 6),rep("Seurat",…
2 answers

Read content of a text file as SELECT result (SQL Server)

I need a way to read the contents of a HTML file and return it as a column within a SQL server query. To set the scene I'm working on a query that gathers all the data needed to export products from an ERP system and import it into eBay, but I need…
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1 answer

How to plot a horizontal stacked bar with annotations

I used the example for Discrete distribution as horizontal bar chart example on matplotlib Discrete distribution as horizontal bar chart to create a chart showing share of the vote in Shropshire elections 2017. However, because I did not know how…
Mark Kirby
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2 answers

How to use JavaScript to turn csv file with hierarchy relationships to an object?

I have an csv file that contains an organization hierarchy data, one of the fields is the id of that employee's subordinates' ids. The csv file is something looking like this: id,name,title,children n1,Lao Lao,general manager,"n2,n3,n9,n10" n2,Bo…
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1 answer

Inverse Hyperbolic Sine Transformation in R for data with many 0's

I am trying to use the inverse hyperbolic since (IHS) transformation on a non-normal variable in my dataset. The code that I found on the internet is not working for me. This is what I tried: ihs <- function(col) { transformed <-…
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1 answer

How to add a new column to extract a number/character from column 1 when column 2 reaches the max within each group?

I have 3 columns. C1 and C2 are grouped by C0. Now I want to extract the C3 value where it satisfies when C1 is maximum within each C0 group. df = data.frame(C0 = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3), C1 = c(0,2,3,6,2,0,0,4,9,7,1,2,7,4,2), …
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1 answer

Azure Data Factory / Aggregate as comma separated string

I want to aggregate by data using Aggregate. Here is the scenario: I've a table having values as below: Key | Value 1 | v1 1 | v2 2 | v1 2 | v3 After performing aggregation, I want output as below: Key | Value 1 | v1, v2 2 | v1, v3 I…
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1 answer

Save time ranges with dates based on data set time blocks in java

I need to convert an ArrayList set of data into another ArrayList set of data. I need to convert "Original data" into "Needed result" below. Basically, I have time blocks of dates and times and need to see which data sets fall within the same time…
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