Questions tagged [data-transform]

Data transformation is the process of converting data from one format or structure into another format or structure. This can range from a simple transformation like transforming a comma-separated list to a line-break-separated list to complex transformations like speech-to-text. Strategies and technologies used can vary widely based on the complexity, volume, format and structure of the data being transformed.

152 questions
1 answer

Transfer table from vertical to horizontal in sql

I want to transfer table from to what looks like this: Not sure how to approach? Code I had is this FROM TABLE A, (SELECT PART_NO, SUM(QUANTITY) AS Type_1 FROM TABLE WHERE STYPE = 'Type_1' GROUP BY PART_NO, STYPE) B, (SELECT PART_NO,…
2 answers

Transpose Dataframe problem: For each df.index and df.column combination create a row in new dataframe

I have a data frame that looks like this: The index of my data frame is the "Dates" column. Dates 3M INDIA LTD ALKYL AMINES CHEMICALS LTD AAVAS FINANCIERS LTD ABB INDIA LTD ADITYA BIRLA CAPITAL LTD 01-01-2020 1.738819 -0.054496 …
1 answer

python split string json into multiple variables and create dataframes

Below is my string in python3 Please assume below string is in a loop On First loop I get below string string as input string='{a:1,b:1}{a:2,b:2}{a:3,b:4}' On Second loop I get below string as input string='{a:1,b:6}{a:2,b:6}' On each loop pandas…
Naveen Srikanth
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Understanding the percent change effect after applying MinMaxScaler?

I wanted to know if the percent change between two values remains the same after scaling the data using MinMaxScaler from scikitlearn. If not which scaling method should I use in order to make sure that the percentage change remains the same after…
1 answer

For every row, I want to make first row of every column as a new row

I am working with Python Pandas and I have a following table that consists of many rows: Date X X Date Y Y 0 2014-03-31- 0.390- 2014-04-24- 1.80 1 2014-04-01- 0.385- 2014-04-25- 1.75 What I want to do is for every…
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3 answers

Search and format the string

Here is my data at below, So in my activity description column I have many charges. Some string contain pattern like charge, charges, or nothing. So at first, 1. I need to find for pattern named charge and replace with charges. But for 2 of the…
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3 answers

Creating a new column using existing values from other columns using R

I am trying to calculate weight loss over period of time, therefore the initial weight is quite important. I want to create a column 'Initial weight' based on the weight at 'Day'=0 for each tray. Example is below: Day Tray Weight Initial…
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2 answers

Data Transformation / Preparation

I'm beginner in Python. In order to perform data mining, I would like to transform a raw dataset: PurchaseLine01 PurchaseLine02 PurchaseLine03 PurchaseLine04 milk egg sausage butter water egg …
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Merge and fill different length data in R

I'm using R and need merge data with different lenghts Following this dataset > means2012 # A tibble: 232 x 2 exporter eci 1 ABW 0.235 2 AFG -0.850 3 AGO -1.40 4 AIA 1.34 5 ALB -0.480 6…
1 answer

Using self-defined data transform function in Spark Structured Stream

I read the following blog and find the API is very useful. In the blog, there are lots of data selection example. Like using input { …
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Transforming the text file using dataframe

List of countries: 'Algeria','Angola','Argentina','Australia','Austria','Bahamas','Bangladesh','Belarus','Belgium','Bhutan','Brazil','Bulgaria','Cambodia','Cameroon','Chile','China','Colombia','Cyprus','Denmark','El…
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1 answer

python string find and look up on string until found space from json

Below is my data. '{"Data": {"a":5647953897,"b":"323299901059958183671030","c":1605858513465}}{"Data": {"a":5647953897,"b":"323299901059958183671030","c":1605858513465}}' My output should be as…
Naveen Srikanth
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Aggregating data in R based on the contents of various columns

I have some data like so, that I have loaded into R Data column 1, Data column 2,option1, option2, option 3. 23, 45.6 , ,option2, option3 5, 30.6 ,option1,option2, 2, 5 , ,,…
2 answers

Create new Column in Power Bi with RegEx

I'm relatively new to Power BI and want to generate a new one based on a column. The contents of the new column should be based on the first value of another column. For example: ColumnA NewColumn 1123 Argentinia 5644 Brazil 5555 Brazil 3334…
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1 answer

Multiply columns of different dataframes having the same name

I have two dataframes which have different no of rows and columns but have few columns with same names. I want to create a dataframe which has the common columns and the columns with same name have their values multiplied. I want it in a way where I…
Ankit Daimary
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