Questions tagged [data-studio-custom-visuals]

15 questions
1 answer

Data studio filter - some of String data converting to date range automatically

In my data studio dashboard i have team size filter. This team size column contains(in google sheets) few types of team sizes(0-1,2-5,501-1000 ... ). My problem is when i add a filter using this team size column it shows date ranges(some of data).…
1 answer

Google Data Studio Custom dimension showing incorrect data

I was trying to create a custom dimension that will take specific pages together for my GDS report. I need to create a dimension out of 4 pages to calculate metrics for them. Here's what I was trying to do/have tried: CASE WHEN Page = "www.link1"…
1 answer

D3 Graph - changing y-axis to integer

I'm trying to create integer bands in the y axes. Have tried changing .scaleband to .scalelinear and .ticks "arbitraryMetric" is stored as an integer. Code: const categories = => d.arbitraryMetric); const yScale =…
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Creating Custom visualisations in Google Data Studio using SVG

I am currently trying to port an SVG Radial Scorecard library to Google Data Studio - but I just keep getting blank visualisations. Here is the code which works in html
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Custom Dates for Google Data Studio

Hi Im using google data studio to build a report using a custom query. The data source connection is with CLOUD SQL for MYSQL. I need to know whether there is an option to pass the stating date and ending date from the data picker in the dashboard…
0 answers

Google Data Studio show percentage of dimension in scorecard

I have some investor data on a Google Sheet which I show as the pie chart below on a Google Data Studio dashboard. I also want to show the percentage of the top category (Self Investor Platform) on a separate scorecard. I had created a CASE formula…
0 answers

Grid Style Menu into DataStudio Community visualization

I have a Community visualization, with a style menu. But I can't put it objects like this grid disposition: I can only place my objects one below the other: Is there a way to edit my config.json to achieve this?
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Group a date by a date in Data Studio

I want to create a bar chart that sums the amount of content id's that occurred each month. Since Google decided to get rid of Date Range in Data Studio if you're pulling from GA, I'm now limited in examples like the one I'm inquiring. I have 4…
1 answer

Merge two(or multiple) Google Ads accounts to blend with another data source

How to merge two(or multiple) Google Ads accounts to blend with another data source? If I create the blended source with a third-party analytics system and two Google Ads sources I get doubled metrics in a blended source such as two CTRs, two…
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Comparison date range value in data studio community visualization

I am creating a custom visualization and I wanted to add the delta from previous period to my component (see image below). I basically need the previous period value or delta value. I tried to look into the user selected metric that I get from the…
0 answers

Represent geohash on Map in Google Data Studio

I want to represent geohash on Map in Google Data Studio. Is it possible? Or is there any formula to create field in data studio in order to convert geohash into geographic point ?
0 answers

Google DataStudio Community Visualization problems with multiple data sources or template

I am working on creating a comprehensive product dashboard on Google Data Studio. The report has a custom template with my product's branding colors, logos, etc. In this report, several sources were added for the purpose of grouping different…
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REGEXP_EXTRACT in Data Studio to extract text between two words

I have tried with no success at all to capture the Chief Investigators name. The format of the input text seems to be something like this: **Chief Investigator:**Prof Joe Blogss Sponsor: Academic Medical Centre - University of Universities Study…
1 answer

Integrating d3.js Trend Chart (Area + Line) as data studio community visualisation

I am a data scientist. Mostly use python and SQL for code. I am using data studio for visualizations.So I am unfamiliar to JS. I know-how data studio community visualizations works. I want to make this chart(without markers). I follow this. I tried…
2 answers

Can JavaScript Visualization file with multiple chart(s) implementation in community visualization be placed in central location

Is it possible in community visualization that I have one Javascript visualization file that contains multiple charts implementation and shared in central location in google cloud and that shared file could be used by multiple charts? If it is…