Questions tagged [data-capture]

14 questions
2 answers

Constructing QImage from unsigned char* data

I encountered a problem with passing Image object (captured with Point Grej FlyCapture2 SDK) to QImage object. I am getting a pointer associated with Image data by function: virtual unsigned char* FlyCapture2::GetData ( ) and then loading the…
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How can I grab data from this web site?

There is a site here (, that each field of this table(specified by yellow squares) shows information about one specific day. What I need to do is to read only حجم row of each…
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8 answers

Tools for Data Capturing from Scanned Images

What are best tools available for Data Capturing from Scanned Images? Doesn't matter they are free or paid. They should be able to convert scanned images to data (text, image, tables etc.). Most importantly they should have API to integrate with…
Ramesh Soni
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How do I read data over IP by using pyshark in python?

I am using the livecapture method to capture data, which is showing zero packet capture even when I am sending/receiving a file. I am using this code to capture data by using live capture: This is the output which I get after running the code:
nipun garg
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How can I synchronize Hololens with Android device?

I would like to extract data from both a microsoft Hololens and an android device. However, the data needs to have a synchronized timestamp. i.e. I need to start collecting data from both at the same time and know the offset between the two in ms…
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Free XML Forms Designer for XML data

I'm looking for a small and cheap (very) application that will let the user design a simple form to capture data to XML. The XML is very simple and will be overwritten with every capture, i.e. not written in a record in an XML 'database'. I can do…
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Phonegap - 1 off data capture on app load

I was wondering what is the easiest way to capture data once only when my app is first loaded. I wil be capturing an email address and sending that to an external database which multiple user can access (something like SQL Express). Due to the use…
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Datacap how to create a field array and merge or avoid splitted excel sheets

Im trying to get the rows of an excel document. What i have achieved. 1-. Retrieve .xls, .xlsx files 2-. Convert those files to TIFF images 3-. Enhance image for better text recognition 4-. Identify Pages 5-. Create the Documents 6-. Recognize…
1 answer

Capture File Details of all subjobs in Talend

I have a requirement to move files from SFTP to a local directory and it is simple. I have used tftpconnection-->tfileexists-->(if)tfileinput-->tmap--tfileoutput to move files and then i have other subjobs as…
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How to declare and capture the value from a numeric up down in visual studio

Good Morning SO, I have a question and I know this is probably programming 101, but I am having trouble declaring a variable and then capturing its value to display in a label for further use in the application. I created an numeric up/down to…
3 answers

Is it safe to build REST API to capture data into a database?

A user needs to send us data weekly or monthly and I need to capture that data into a database to present it on a website. However, I do not want the user to have direct access to the data base. So I was thinking of building REST API and capture the…
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how to capture listview data as Jpg image

i need to capture listview data and convert it into jpg or png image format , then saved into sd card. I captured only the data which is visible in the screen , but i am unable to capture the data which is avaialble in the scrollview. So, please…
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curL specific data from a webpage

I have no experience with curL , need to find out how I can get weather info from a website and save it to a sql db , I have been able to echo the webpage using curL but thats it, the site is: , I…
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Database approach to use for Dynamic Form Data Collection which is suitable for good Reports and Searching

I am working on a project which involves collecting dynamic form data. These forms are user-defined (think surveymonkey) and thus a fixed schema cannot be defined for them. Data in terms of questions/answers would be retrieved for these forms and…
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