Questions tagged [custom-widgets]

112 questions
5 answers

Vertical Text widget for Flutter

The TextDirection docs say: Flutter is designed to address the needs of applications written in any of the world's currently-used languages, whether they use a right-to-left or left-to-right writing direction. Flutter does not support other…
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4 answers

How to feed DatePicker widget with other calendar sytems?

Is there anyway to use DatePicker widget with other calendar systems ? I need a picker for Jalali (Persian) Calendar system, but i dont know how to feed DatePicker with my data. I've studied methods related to DatePicker but couldn't find anything…
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4 answers

Custom SwitchPreference in Android

How to set a custom style or other background selector drawable for the SwitchPreference widget in Android? (Note: not the regular Switch widget, I mean the standart SwitchPreference widget that used in PreferenceActivity / PreferenceFragment)
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3 answers

Custom Qt Widgets with python for Qt Designer

I am trying to write a custom widget for the Qt Designer using only Python. I was following a couple of tutorials I found online but none of them were working or anything close to what I would call to be a minimum working example. So my questions…
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PyQt4 - Custom widget class structure?

During regular intervals of my program, a block (of 3 stacked) widgets need to be added to a horizontal layout. Since the widgets within each block are important to eachother, I wish to encapsulate each stack as it's own widget (making the layout…
Anti Earth
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4 answers

Design Application with Qt

I have to implement a graphical user interface design. The framework of choice is Qt. After some work on the implementation a few difficulties and questions turned out. The main point is that there are some fancy design elements with gradients, kind…
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1 answer

How do I use a builder function? - flutter

I have asked a question named 'How to inject a Widget into a custom child Widget and use the child Widgets iteration index?' I already got an answer but there is a problem. The answer said that I should: "Instead of passing a Widget to your…
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1 answer

Qt custom widget update big overhead

We are trying to use Qt 4.8.5 for some Linux-based embedded devices in our company. I use Qt embedded without X server. I need to plot measured data and update them very often (20-30fps, but only a small portion of the widget). The system is ARM…
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2 answers

Need the image id from xml attributes custom widget

I have a custom control (very simple for now) that is like a button. It needs to display an unpressed and a pressed image. It appears multiple times in the activity and has different pairs of images depending on where it's used. Think of toolbar…
1 answer

Dojo custom widget with external JavaScript libraries dependency

I'm developing a custom Dojo widget which in fact acts as a wrapper for Timeline JS library ( Is there a possibility to include the required JS code for Timeline in the custom dojo widget or must I include…
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How to write completely custom widgets recognizable by GWT Designer?

When I add let's say, a standard GWT VerticalPanel, with GWT Designer I can add widgets to this panel by drag and dropping them. GWT Designer provides a red line indicating I am adding a widget to my VerticalPanel. Suppose that I want to create my…
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1 answer

HowTo create (or find example code of) Qt widget "Property Editor" like in Qt Designer?

Here is my current problem: I'm looking for a simple tree view widget, like on the picture below. I just need tree view, not the dialog with it's filter line edit, buttons and etc. Only tree view. I checked sources of the Qt Designer, and found the…
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2 answers

How to inject a Widget into a custom child Widget and use the child Widgets iteration index?

I am building a flutter app. I have built a class with a constructor in it. I made the constructor so I could customize my ListTile because I am using this class for multiple pages and each time, I need to change the text color and sometimes even…
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2 answers

What is correct way to pass on event parameter in DOJO?

I am working on Dojo Version 1.8.I have designed one custom widget as below. Its a snippet
2 answers

Move QGraphicsItem only when pressing inside the shape. Otherwise, drag scene

I have a QGraphicsView with a bigger QGraphicsScene that can be dragged. In the QGraphicsScene I have a subclassed QGraphicsItem (TestItem) that displays a QGraphicsPixmapItem, which can have random shapes. (I don't use QGraphicsPixmapItem directly…
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