Questions tagged [custom-taxonomy]

Custom criteria that allow categorization, identification, nomenclature, and classification of various entities in software.

Custom defined criteria that allow categorization, identification, nomenclature, and classification of various entities in software and programming.

Custom taxonomies are commonly used in WordPress and Drupal as a methodology to group and organize content entries.

1078 questions
1 answer

Make Featured column sortable in Woocommerce admin products list

In WooCommerce backend on the productlist, we have the possibility to make a product featured by clicking on the star. However, if you have a lot of products and you want to see afterwards which products are featured, we have to search through all…
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Enable custom taxonomies in WooCommerce product search

What I want: modify the query of the WooCommerce search form (in frontend) to display the products by searching in the name, description and product_tag of the products. What I have: I'm trying with this code inspired from this answer that return a…
1 answer

Replacing hierarchal checkboxes with dropdown selector on custom taxonomy inside custom post type

I have seen several blog posts on this topic but have not been able to implement them with success. I have tried the following (perhaps one of these is the solution and I am slightly…
1 answer

Exclude a product category from Related products in WooCommerce

I am trying to exclude a product category (id: 78) from the related products section in WooCommerce. I have a custom query already in place which only shows related products from the child category. This is my code:
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2 answers

Add a text under specific Woocommerce product category archive page

I would like to show text under Shop page main content. Different text for different categories. I am aware of showing category description on the Shop page for each category but this is already in use. Right now I am this far but it does not seem…
1 answer

Change ‘Choose an Option’ variation dropdown label in WooCommerce

I try to change the value of "Select a option" to the attributes names. So in a dropdown where you could select the color it should be the name color as the first one. So far it worked with this code snippet add_filter(…
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Different recipients based on product category in WooCommerce email notification

I am setting up a site for a school that sells both virtual products (fees and excursion payments) and Physical (uniforms) however they would like to have order notifications for each category to be sent to separate recipients as they are dealt with…
1 answer

Display product attributes on specific Woocommerce product category archives page

I want to show two attributes on the category pages, with the attribute name and value only on specific categories. This code that I found displays the labels of the attributes, but is duplicating the value and I am really struggling with a show if…
1 answer

Add new product categories programmatically in Woocommerce

I am working on a Wordpress site and I am using Woocommerce, I have a lot of product category's and I would like to add them in the code and not in the Wordpress CMS itself. Does anyone know how I can get into the code where I can add the…
rob v
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1 answer

Custom product price suffix on based on product categories in Woocommerce

I need to add 'per metre' to the price on most of my online catalogue, I tried the code on this thread in my finctions.php but I cannot get it to omit/include particular categories- it seems to be all or nothing. What am I doing wrong? I have…
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1 answer

Disable other product categories for a cart item from specific category in Woocommerce

I'm developing a webshop, with different aspects, the first is a regular shop, and the second is a night beer service. i've searched but can't find what i am looking for; First the night beer service is a specific category that shouldn't be ordered…
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1 answer

Show Only Grouped Products in Woocommerce

In Woocommerce, Due to an inventory sku issue with clothing size, we have two different products for ultimately the same product. Let's call it a blue shirt, but it is 2 different products in our store due to an ordering decision. I've created a…
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1 answer

Get all attributes with their terms related to a product category in Woocommerce

As we know, to get terms of specific attribute added to a product we can use: $attr_terms = $product->get_attribute( 'attr_slug' ); OR to get all terms of specific attribute regardless of a product we can use $attr_terms = get_terms( 'pa_attr_slug'…
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1 answer

Display variations attributes values as separate rows in Woocommerce cart / checkout

I have several variable products on our The issue I am facing is: upon adding to the cart, Dumpster Tarps has item data listed on cart page, but product Lugger Cover doesn't. Here's a screenshot: I thought there was…
Danish Muneer
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1 answer

Exclude multiple custom taxonomies terms from Wordpress search

I am excluding from Wordpress search results any posts or custom posts with custom taxonomies set to specific terms. I want to be able to add more taxonomies and terms simply (like in an array) without having the duplicate the function, and ensure…