Questions tagged [custom-taxonomy]

Custom criteria that allow categorization, identification, nomenclature, and classification of various entities in software.

Custom defined criteria that allow categorization, identification, nomenclature, and classification of various entities in software and programming.

Custom taxonomies are commonly used in WordPress and Drupal as a methodology to group and organize content entries.

1078 questions
3 answers

wordpress custom post type with custom taxonomy

I have added a custom post and a custom taxonomy to my wordpress theme. problem is , when im trying to add new taxonomy im getting a javascript error: (the taxonomy is added but screen needs to be refreshed before i can see it) f.responses[0] is…
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wordpress -> custom taxonomy -> hierarchical (false, means tags like) -> template

I want to show custom taxonomies. But when I try to show only taxonomies wordpress takes me to 404 page. I have taxonomy TV Series, and I can show All the terms in the TV Series Taxonomy by utilizing template {taxonomy-tv_series.php} "tv_series" is…
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Adding custom taxonomies to a custom post, how?

I'm having some problems adding custom taxonomies to my custom post. I've already created the custom post like this: add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' ); function create_post_type() { register_post_type( 'profiel_pagina', array( …
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Display Woocommerce Related Products By Custom Taxonomy

I want to display related products based on Custom taxonomy. Does someone knows is there a way to force related products to be displayed based on Custom taxonomy.
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WordPress: remove empty Excerpt in Custom Taxonomy archive pages

To avoid WordPress excerpts to display when they are empty, I use the following filter in functions.php that works perfectly: remove_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt' ); However, I would like to remove empty excerpts only for the pages of…
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How can I count the instances of a custom taxonomy term in the scope of a custom post type?

I have a custom taxonomy called "tasks" shared between two custom post types of "roles" and "products". Expected results: I need to count how many times a given "task" term is used for each "role" post type minus the count shared by a "product" post…
1 answer

Listing Cities by order

I have below code that lists cities in ascending order, I want to lists cities based on the order I select the cities from the frontend. It is a shortcode created by theme. Cities is a custom taxonomy here. How should I do this please…
Emma Expat
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How to show WordPress custom post type categories (Taxonomy) loop with sub-categories

I am working on project of having custom product list with having multi-level categories of products, if user clicks on 1 category/taxonomy it will go to its sub-category & then it will show all the list of its posts (CPT). I've created custom post…
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How to Display a Custom Field Value of a Taxonomy in Post Page?

This seems very straight forward, but I can't get it to work even after going through the documentation (and a number of questions in this site) multiple times. I have a custom post type called comic with a taxonomy field (type radio button) called…
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Wordpress // remove post type slug for URL

I have created a CPT and several custom taxonomies applied to this CPT. At the moment my URL are as follow (using a plugin) :[cpt]/[taxonomy-term]/post For a specific cpt, I'd like to move to…
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Filter products from product attributes values in Woocommerce

This method was working at one stage, but lost track when it has started to not filter after sets of changes over time. Hopefully the answer stares at someone in the face. In my child theme functions.php, I have: function shop_store_filter() { …
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Wordpress - Including custom Taxonomy Slug into Custom Post-Type Slug

I am working on the following code. The issue is as follows: Custom Post-Type Page to use URL: security/ssl-certificates/%ssl_brand%/[POST-TYPE-ITEM] Custom Taxonomy I need to be accessible via URL: security/ssl-certificates/[TAXONOMY] I have…
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Loop through wp_get_post_terms and echo out taxonomy name

I have a custom post type called “project” and a list of 8 CPT categories. On the homepage of my site, I want to call the latest post and echo the project name, excerpt, and category. I have the name and excerpt working, but I cannot figure out how…
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Anyone can help with this please? It's driving me crazy. I have 2 taxonomies on my website, the built-in categories and one I created called Countries ('country'). I want to order all the posts that lead to custom taxonomy by title and keep the…
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How to create filterable portfolio in WordPress?

I'm creating a Portfolio custom page in WordPress, so far I've been able to get the categories from the custom taxonomy. Now what I want is when clicking on an option, it should fetch the post with the custom category. This is what I have so far: …
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