Questions tagged [custom-build-step]

79 questions
2 answers

Add custom build step in CMake

I'm trying to add a custom build step in CMake that generates some files. I haven't found a description how it works. I have an project where source, header & implementation files have to be generated by ODB for C++. ODB takes class headers as…
David Bulczak
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2 answers

Why are my Custom Build steps not running in Visual Studio?

I have a Visual Studio project with several Custom Build steps in it, but some of them are simply failing to run. There are no errors and no warnings, and according to the build logs they are running, but they're definitely not. (It was all working…
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1 answer

Custom build steps in Intellij IDEA project

I have an external tool I need to be executed everytime Intellij runs Make. In eclipse I could easily modify the build steps, but I dunno how to achieve that here. Any ideas? I expect that it would deal with my resources using external script…
Wojtek Erbetowski
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1 answer

Visual studio custom build step rule?

Using Visual Studio 2008, When I add to a C++ project a file that is not .c/.cpp/.h/.rc or anything the IDE doesn't recognize a dialog pops up which asks me if I want to create a custom build step rule for this kind of files. Does anybody know how…
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MSBuild custom task "Hello World" walkthrough

Can someone write (or link to) a walkthrough that explains exactly how to create a custom MSBuild task and run it during a build? I'm looking for a custom task that inherits from Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task and does only this: public override…
Ryan Lundy
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2 answers

What is the difference between a Custom Build Step and a Post-Build Event?

Both project settings allow me to execute custom commands. What are the benefits or drawbacks of each?
1 answer

Is there a way to auto generate "Additional Dependencies" for "Custom Build" in Visual Studio?

I have a custom build step in a Visual Studio 2013 solution. The custom build step calls a python script on a text file that refers to several other files in my solution. I want the custom build step to be called whenever any of those files change…
2 answers

Visual Studio: how to only run Custom Build Step when 'necessary'

I am using a Custom Build Step to copy the built DLL (i.e. $(TargetPath)) of a C++ project to a different location on disk. I've set the Output of the Custom Build Step to the destination DLL path, and Additional Dependencies to $(TargetPath) - the…
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2 answers

Xcode Different Resources For Different Targets

I am developing an iPhone app and there will be a Full as well as a Lite version of that app. In order get both bundles from the same source code and Xcode project I added another target to the Xcode project. Now, I want to have the Lite target copy…
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6 answers

Things to consider when writing our own Continuous Integration server?

I work on a large project in an organization that is (slowly) upgrading our development processes to be a bit more modern. We currently are considering moving to a Continuous Integration model; as part of this move, we are considering writing our…
Paul Sonier
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1 answer

Visual Studio custom build event always executing

I am using the odb compiler as a custom build tool. The build tool is always executing even though the input file is not changing. The command line: odb -Ic:\menuplan\src\ingredient -o c:\menuplan\src\ingredient -d mysql --hxx-prologue…
Thomas Matthews
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3 answers

TeamCity : How to create a delay between build steps

I'm having an issue with TeamCity, building some Android APK's. I have both a QA and Release APK's, each in it's own build step. The problem is the Release build step never completes, as it seems to access a file that is still being used by the QA…
Greg Quinn
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1 answer

Why does adding custom build step in Visual Studio Qt project with Qt add-in stop automatic MOC and UIC steps?

I have a Visual Studio Qt project using the Visual Studio Qt Add-in. The Add-in automatically creates a Custom Build Tool rule for .ui files and for each header file that has classes with the Q_OBJECT declaration to run the UIC and MOC…
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2 answers

Convert .rules file to Visual Studio 2010 .targets file

I'm trying to se flex and bison in Visual Studio 2010. I found a .rules file on the web, but it is only useable in vs2k5/2k8. How do I convert it to the newer, '.targets' format? Here's the file: Are there any tools for…
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0 answers

Proper use of msbuild inputs and outputs with Targets

We have an in house compiler and linker tool that we're trying to make MSBUILD compatible (i.e. proper behavior in build/incremental builds/rebuild/clean scenarios) In the first step we actually call CL task to preprocess our files. The issue is I…
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