Questions tagged [curves]

131 questions
2 answers

gnuplot: plotting a file with 4 columns all on y-axis

I have a file that contains 4 numbers (min, max, mean, standard derivation) and I would like to plot it with gnuplot. Sample: 24 31 29.0909 2.57451 12 31 27.2727 5.24129 14 31 26.1818 5.04197 22 31 27.7273 3.13603 22 31 28.1818 2.88627 If I have 4…
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How to convert text to paths?

I am trying to convert text to curves and paths for example: Text = 'Welcome to python' I am trying to convert this text to path. Also I am trying to get this path information as list of points. I want to store text as paths in an SVG file. Like…
Tawfiq abu Halawah
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3 answers

How to make a line curve through points

I'm looking for a way to make a line curve through a number of points. It would be preferable to use 3 points although I've considered that in order to give context to the angle of the line entering a point more may be needed to give context to the…
James C
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3 answers

distance matrix of curves in python

I have a set of curves defined as 2D arrays (number of points, number of coordinates). I am calculating a distance matrix for them using Hausdorff distance. My current code is as follows. Unfortunately it is too slow with 500-600 curves each having…
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how to find the similarity between two curves and the score of similarity?

I have two data sets (t,y1) and (t,y2). These data sets visually look same but their is some time delay or magnitude shift. i want to find the similarity between the two curves (giving the score of similarity 1 for approximately similar curves and 0…
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3 answers

Python curves intersection with fsolve() and function arguments using numpy

I am trying to use fsolve as quoted here :, On order to find the intersection between two curves. Both curves basically are two arrays of floats. The first of them is a…
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How to bring specific curves in-front in ZedGraph

I have two curves on the zedgraph control, after plotting both the curves... PointPairList thresholdList = new PointPairList(); PointPairList powerList = new PointPairList(); private void plotPower() { // Create an object to access ZedGraph…
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scipy BSpline fitting in python

This is my first time using BSpline, and I want to fit a curve to my data points. I've tried using Univariate Spline and attempted to use splev and splrep but I'd really like to learn how to do this using BSpline. It looks like my fitting is really…
Sophia Medallon
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4 answers

How to get the length of n curves present in an image in Matlab?

Currently I have been working on obtaining the length of a curve, with the following code I have managed to get the length of a curve present in an image. test image one curve Then I paste the code that I used to get the length of the curve of a…
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1 answer

How do you calculate if 2 lines are facing toward or away?

Given the 4 points describing 2 lines, how do you quickly calculate if line A is facing towards or away from line B? Similarly, how to check if line A is towards or away from quadratic bezier curve B?
Robin Rodricks
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1 answer

Find the intersections of a series of curves of an image: Matlab

I have an image with a series of lines, like below: I would like to know if there is some method for finding the intersections of all of the lines. I was checking another post where they offer a way to find the intersections, but once the image is…
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4 answers

Intersection of parabolic curve and line segment

I have an equation for a parabolic curve intersecting a specified point, in my case where the user clicked on a graph. // this would typically be mouse coords on the graph var _target:Point = new Point(100, 50); public static function…
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Split numpy array into similar array based on its content

I have a 2D numpy array that represents the coordinates (x, y) of a curve, and I want to split that curve into parts of the same length, obtaining the coordinates of the division points. The most easy example is a line defined for two points, for…
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2 answers

airfoil profile geometry plotting

I have a little issue with calculating coordinates. Given are airfoil profiles in two lists with the following exemplary coordinates: Example: x_Coordinates = [1, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, ...] y_Coordinates = [0, -0.02, -0.06, -0.08,…
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2 answers

B-spline curves

I have a set of points which I want to smooth using B-spline curves. My question is how can I implement B-spline curves to smooth these set of points? I want to implement this using c++.
Lakshya Kejriwal
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