Questions tagged [zedgraph]

ZedGraph, written in C#, is an LGPL class library, user control, and web control for .NET, for creating various types of graphs and charts. It also provides many additional options, such as expanded user interface, interactivity options and export/printing tools.

Are you looking for a way to draw in .NET? Here's yet another charting class library with a high degree of configurability that is also easy to use.

ZedGraph is a set of classes, written in C#, for creating 2D line and bar graphs of arbitrary datasets. The classes provide a high degree of flexibility -- almost every aspect of the graph can be user-modified. At the same time, usage of the classes is kept simple by providing default values for all of the graph attributes. The classes include code for choosing appropriate scale ranges and step sizes based on the range of data values being plotted.

ZedGraph also includes a UserControl interface, allowing drag and drop editing within the Visual Studio forms editor, plus access from other languages such as and . ZedGraph is licensed under the LGPL.

Unfortunately further development on ZedGraph was halted in 2007 by the author John Howard Champion however there was still a backup site for some time hosted for grabbing documentation and an on-going wiki existed for support.

More information:

432 questions
4 answers

Charting massive amounts of data

We are currently using ZedGraph to draw a line chart of some data. The input data comes from a file of arbitrary size, therefore, we do not know what the maximum number of datapoints in advance. However, by opening the file and reading the header,…
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5 answers

Why is my C# program faster in a profiler?

I have a relatively large system (~25000 lines so far) for monitoring radio-related devices. It shows graphs and such using latest version of ZedGraph. The program is coded using C# on VS2010 with Win7. The problem is: when I run the program from…
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7 answers

Can the ZedGraph charting library for .NET be recommended?

I am working on a project for my company, and I need to integrate some graphs of different types and average complexity to C# in the process of studying stock markets. I found this free library on the Internet, ZedGraph. If you came across it, do…
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2 answers

Generating and Saving ZedGraph plots without showing on forms

Is it possible to plot data on to a ZedGraph graph and save it as a file without showing / generating a graph that is visible to the user? I'm looking to process a lot of datasets and generate a graph and saving it to a file for viewing outside of…
Stealth Rabbi
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1 answer

How to display several graphs which have common X Axis using ZedGraph library?

I need to display several graphs which have a common X Axis and a legend. What I want to achieve is displayed on the picture. The main goal is to have several Y Axis on the one line, not paralelly. So, several curves can be displayed without…
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2 answers

ZedGraph: just the dots

I am new to ZedGraph. So far I could draw curves and bars. How can I display just the dots without connecting them? I am using C# and Windows Forms.
3 answers

Change zedgraph pane background color

Is it possible to change the background color (white by default) of a zedgraph pane? I tried changing the background color of the zedgraph element, but it doesn't give any visible result, background is still white: ZedGraphControl.BackColor =…
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1 answer

Select points in a ZedGraph graph by dragging the mouse

I would like to select points on my curve by dragging a square with my mouse. Of course I can build this myself, but I was wondering if it can be done easier?
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1 answer

Zedgraph - how to customize date based X-Axis tics

SITUATION I am building a chart using ZedGraph of price (Y axis) against time (X axis). The duration of time is three years. At the moment I'm getting X axis labels of : Jan 11; Jan 12; Jan 13 for a set of data that runs from 3-Mar-2010 to…
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1 answer

How to remove a specific context menu item in Zedgraph

I want to remove a specific context menu item, appears when the Mouse down(right) event is fired. with the help of Context Menu Builder event, I was able to add some costume menu items, but I want to get rid off the last item(Default). Thanks in…
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2 answers

ZedGraph - I am looking for an example of using a DateTime

I am looking for an example of using a datetime field on a zedgraph linechart X-Axis. Edit - And how do I set the XAxis max scale myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date; myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0; myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 12;
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4 answers

Comparison between MS Charts and ZedGraph?

Question: Anybody has experience with ZedGraph / MS-Chart controls ? I am thinking about which to use ? Basically, I have a tendency to ZedGraph, because I need .NET framework 2.0 while MS-Chart is 3.5 (and I don't know how well a 3.5 assembly…
Stefan Steiger
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1 answer

ZedGraph C# bar chart - how to check which bar was clicked by mouse?

I am using ZedGraph to draw my plots in C#. I need to know which bar (in bar chart) was clicked by a mouse. How can I do that? Is there any way to get a bar by a point and for example change bar`s color?
2 answers

Merging multiple pointpairlist

I have a .wav file and I am plotting waveform using ZedGraph. I am calculating the energies of .wav file of each second and if energy is less then 4 I want to draw the sample in different color. I have created two PointPairLlist and LineItem to do…
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2 answers

ZedGraph vertical lines with LineObj issue

I have a ZedGraphControl with a few curves in it and I want to add vertical lines at some fixed x-positions. The lines should of course only be inside the actual graph area. I tried following LineObj line = new LineObj(Color.Black, xPos,…
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