Questions tagged [crm]

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for managing customer interaction. CRM software usually focus on sales, marketing and customer service.

CRM (customer relationship management) is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually Internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized way. For example, an enterprise might build a database about its customers that described relationships in sufficient detail so that management, salespeople, people providing service, and perhaps the customer directly could access information, match customer needs with product plans and offerings, remind customers of service requirements, know what other products a customer had purchased, and so forth.

An example of an online CRM application can be found here.

According to one industry view, CRM consists of:

Helping an enterprise to enable its marketing departments to identify and target their best customers, manage marketing campaigns and generate quality leads for the sales team. Assisting the organization to improve telesales, account, and sales management by optimizing information shared by multiple employees, and streamlining existing processes (for example, taking orders using mobile devices) Allowing the formation of individualized relationships with customers, with the aim of improving customer satisfaction and maximizing profits; identifying the most profitable customers and providing them the highest level of service. Providing employees with the information and processes necessary to know their customers, understand and identify customer needs and effectively build relationships between the company, its customer base, and distribution partners. Many organizations turn to CRM software to help them manage their customer relationships. CRM technology is offered on-premise, on-demand or through Software as a Service.

2943 questions
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XMLHTTPRequest onReadyStateChange Not Triggered

I am implementing a XMLHTTPRequest, but am unable to trigger onreadystatechange function. May I know how can I troubleshoot it? Thank you. function DisableDuplicateModuleCreation(context) { debugger; var saveEvent = context.getEventArgs(); …
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Query CosmosDB and return a value, if the the output value matches, send this value to CRM, if not send an email

Background: I have built a flow that I would like to: Query CosmosDB and return a value, if the output value matches, send this value to CRM, if not send an email. This is what I have done so far: Does this conditional look correct for what I am…
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Locate the record ID or GUID for a lookup field within CRM

Background: I have been working on this the past day and will appreciate any insight. I am creating a Logic App that automates the transfer of data from CosmosDB to CRM. My dilemma is that in creating my logic app, the fields are a 'lookup' field. I…
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Wordpress plugin for data transfer from contact form to Dynamics 365 CRM

What is the best Wordpress Plugin that automatically sends data from a contact form into the CRM Dynamics 365? Many thanks!
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Partition Error when uploading to CosmosDB from CRM

Background: I have set up my LogicApp and everything appears to work fine except when I try to upload back to CosmosDB from CRM. This is what I have done so far: The problem appears to happen here: error: ["PartitionKey extracted from document…
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Unit testing a query to a CRM database with Nunit

I have the following method that I am trying to write unit tests for: public Entity GetContactByEmail(string email) { var queryExpression = new QueryExpression(CRMFieldNames.Contact.EntityName); …
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ZOHO CRM- Lead do not Assign when user on leave [Shift or Online status Not useful ]

There is two option for lead assignment in Round Robin Case: Online status or shift in CRM Online- Users should be login into CRM. if they close then it not assign them. shift- after non-shifting/nonworking hr lead does not assign. what we need.…
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Listing Activities via Web Services

I'm trying to reproduce the Activities page in Microsoft CRM 4.0 via web services. I can retrieve a list of activities, and I believe I need to use ActivityPointers to retrieve the entities but have so far been unsuccessful. Would I need to loop…
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Extracting contents of one email from a trail to copy to a CRM

I use Outlook (Office 365) on a Mac; and Capsule CRM. When sending email, I can copy it to Capsule (a dropbox address in the bcc) and it finds the person and adds the email to their history. So good, so far. However, when receiving emails, there…
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Is there a way to sync Dynamics CRM contacts to surveymonkey?

Is there a way to sync Dynamics CRM contacts to surveymonkey? I would like to find a syncing app which can automatically import all my Dynamics CRM contacts to Surveymonkey. It would make my workflow much easier, instead of uploading CSV files...…
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Dynamics365CE workflow: check if value already exists and update record

When user opens a new case, I need to check if the serial number of the new case already exists in order to change the priority of the case. I use Kaskela's solution to do this and I think the best way to do it is to use query to get a single value…
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Finding Authentication cookies For login by using Powershell

Need some help regarding authentication issues in CRM while using powershell commands. When I use the following commands through powershell I get a 401 "Unauthorized". $CRMCredentials=get-credential…
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Add data throw salesforce API without using user credentials

I'm trying to give my users an option to add data to their Salesforce organization account without using their username and password from salesforce. I'm already doing the same thing with Hubspot API through an API Key Hubspot provide. From what I…
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CRM365 - Views with complex column layout

The current CRM UI allows you to create relatively complex queries which you can even extend further with tools like FetchXML Builder. However, when we get to select the columns in the View layout, the interface provides access only to the first…
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Request Input From User Side

hi there I wonder if I can open a popup on the user side to request input in real-time while I am filling the form Example: register customer details in CRM, and there is a customer screen showing some advertising or even remote communication when I…
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